150-Year Old Caffè Barbera Takes On Trackgood To Bring Supply Chain Transparency

150 Year Old Caffè Barbera Takes On Trackgood To Bring Supply Chain Transparency




Trackgood, a blockchain-powered transparency platform, announced its partnership with Italy’s oldest coffee roastery.

As per the announcement, the partnership brings coffee supply chain traceability for Caffè Barbera. Created as a supply chain tracking and impact tool, Trackgood allows consumers to trace the journey of their coffee products from the plantation to the cup. Powered by NEM’s Symbol blockchain, Trackgood records each step along an enterprise’s supply chain to enable supply chain visibility.

Caffè Barbera has been operating for the last 150 years and now joins several other brands currently utilizing Trackgood.

While commenting on the development, Elio Barbera, MD of Café Barbera, stated: 

“Thanks to the implementation of a decentralized blockchain protocol capable of validating our precious supply chain and demonstrating to our consumers the long journey of coffee, from the plantation to the cup, we have emphasized an aspect that is fundamental for us: To make known to all the positive impact that a shared policy between all the players in the supply chain can have on society and the environment.”




This has been a bold move for the 150-year company. Notably, in embracing new technologies, Caffè Barbera also allows its consumers to purchase their favorite coffee using cryptocurrencies through its eCommerce site. Furthermore, to trace their products, Caffè Barbera customers can scan a QR code on their smartphones. The QR code allows users to discover where their coffee is and who is handling their products. In addition, customers can view images of the plantations, quality of certificates, farmers’ profiles, and travel documents. 

Trackgood seeks to impact the progression of the Sustainable Development Goals, mainly responsible consumption and production. Other notable companies working with Trackgood include Duffle&Co, Greenfern Industries, and Kapes.

John Hussey, the founder of Trackgood, explains:

“The challenge we wanted to take up is an aspect related to a specific consumer need that can no longer be overlooked. In fact, 96% of this group is convinced that products from sustainable sources and made according to ethical principles can really make a difference for the planet. And 88% of them want brands to do their part to make this information always accessible and at their fingertips. A challenge that Caffè Barbera has taken up with us and that we are sure will bring further value to the work that the historic brand has been carrying out with passion and seriousness for over 150 years.”