9th Global Blockchain Congress by Agora Group & TDeFi on February 21st and 22nd in Dubai, the UAE.

Global Blockchaib Congress

The 9th edition of the world-renowned flagship Global Blockchain Congress by Agora Group is taking place on February 21st and 22nd 2022 in Dubai, the UAE & co-hosted by TDeFi.

This edition’s theme is “The Decentralized Digital Reality: A gateway to the Metaverse, GameFi & DeFi” and will boast an amazing line up of speakers including the opening Keynote Address by Her Excellency Dr. Maryam Buti Al Suwaidi – Chief Executive Officer, Securities and Commodities Authority of the United Arab Emirates.

We are also very happy to have Blockchain Valley Virtual as the official Title Sponsor of this edition.

The conference agenda will focus on building the Metaverse and how Dubai can become the center of this new universe. In fact, we are delighted to launch the term “MetaDubai” at the event where a panel discussion, comprising some of the most influential blockchain leaders in Dubai, will debate the concept of MetaDubai.

The Global Blockchain Congress will feature more than 60 speakers, 100 investors, 30 sponsors, 20 media partners and more than 400 delegates.

The event is a closed-door, exclusive congress that can be attended by invitation only. Agora will be hosting more than 100 investors and 30 Sponsors (Metaverse, Gaming, DeFi and NFTs projects looking to raise funds).

The first eight editions of the Global Blockchain congress were a tremendous success and we were able to host more than 1000 investors and more than 200 blockchain startups and were able to raise Millions in funds for our participating projects.

 Our experience with Agora was exceptional. Every promise exceeded, every opportunity to engage with the right funds exploited. But the real key was that it was all so well curated. Having done so many of these events I have never had such a high hit rate! Of the 22 funds we spoke to we had 20 with a strong fit. The dinner was a hit and the time we enjoyed in the Cleopatra Suite will create lifelong relationships.

Jay Moore, Prasaga – Co-Founder & Chief Collaboration O­fficer

For participation apply here: bit.ly/9th-GBC
Official website: www.agoragroup.ae