Elon Musk Hints At Integrating Dogecoin For Millions Of Users If He Buys Twitter or Creates Own Platform

CNBCs Jim Cramer Boldly Calls Dogecoin A Security Urges Investors To Treat DOGE With Extreme Caution




Elon Musk, the 8th most-followed Twitter account holder is apparently, not happy with the social media application’s censorship.

Since Friday, the Tesla CEO has taken to Twitter asking his followers and all who share in his concerns to participate in a survey that seeks to rate whether the social media platform ‘rigorously adheres to the idea that ‘free speech is essential to a functioning democracy.’

Musk later tweeted after posting the poll that “the consequences of this poll will be important, please vote carefully”. This has been seen to suggest that he could, among other options acquire the social media application if his poll wins, which as of writing, already has over 70% of responders saying ‘no’.

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Musk, who has undoubtedly become a household individual in the crypto sector, mainly to his crypto-related banters that have been argued as market manipulation is no stranger to controversy, especially when his freedom or those of others is threatened.

This has been seen during his recent decision to send a dozen Starlink devices to Ukraine to aid in combatting the Kremlin’s attempt to cut-off internet connectivity in Ukraine in the ongoing war.




Doge tipping feature for Twitter?

The tweet, which has since then elicited over thirty thousand responses with most of them calling for the Tesla CEO to buy Twitter or launch his social media platform altogether, has had Dogecoin coming up.

“One of the best things about Elon Musk either buying Twitter or starting his own platform is you know there would be a dogecoin tip jar!” Wrote Steven Steele, a YouTuber who hosts a crypto discussion channel centered around meme coins such as dogecoin and Shiba Inu. In an almost instant response, Elon musk replied with “100%”, provoking a frenzy from the doge army.

Elon Musk Hints At Integrating Dogecoin For Millions Of Users If He Buys Twitter or Creates Own Platform

“Free speech is more important than most people even realize.” Matt Wallace, a top doge Shiller said.

In the past year, Musk has echoed his strong support for Dogecoin. Apart from stating that it’s a sustainable and environmentally friendly cryptocurrency in contrast to bitcoin, Tesla has recently started accepting dogecoin for its merchandise, with several other companies such as AMC also accepting the canine coin for movies tickets and confectionery.

Twitter, on the other hand, has recently launched a tip jar for bitcoin and Ethereum users, enabling Twitter users to send money to creators who offer insights on the social media app.

Musk’s integration of Dogecoin into Twitter’s tipping feature could thus be a catalyst for the meme coin to hit new highs. At press time, DOGE is up 14.93% in the past 7 days and trading at $0.1496.