Understanding PLS2E.io in 3 Minutes to Seize GameFi Opportunity

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Place/Date: – November 24th, 2021 at 6:10 am UTC · 3 min read
Source: PLS2E.IO

The DeFi trend swept the entire industry in 2020 and develop strongly in 2021. Besides, the changes in the overall staking volume in the DeFi market can directly reflect the development of the DeFi market. The total staking value of DeFi has reached 100 billion U.S. dollars at its peak until 2021 august.

Among them, the three that were once independent-DeFi, NFT, and Game, set off a wave of “financial gamification”, namely GameFi. Players started from “play to enjoy” to “play to earn”. In the game, players can incubate, upgrade, fight monsters, and synthesize assets. Not only can they experience the joy of playing the game, but they can also get token rewards. According to the latest data, the total market value of “Play-to-Earn” tokens broke through 11 billion U.S. dollars, setting new highs in history.


PLS2E.IO – The best GameFi infrastructure platform on Binance Smart Chain and put forward the concept of Earn As A Service (EAAS). Abbreviated as P2E, it is a blockchain game infrastructure platform that aims to provide developers and players in the Play 2 Earn field with a set of standard smart contracts that include gameplay, marketing strategies, liquidity, and technical specifications. It helps GameFi enthusiasts build product rules and application value requirements in the form of Lego, and promote the development of P2E ecology through a cyclical incentive

Solution: Earn As A Service

PLS2E.IO is willing to use EAAS services and other functions to create a set of standard smart contracts that include gameplay, token economic models, technical specifications, and marketing strategies to help GameFi fans build product rules and regulations in order to promot the further prosperity of the entire GameFi ecosystem.

As a Project Team

In order to create a P2E universe through a cyclical incentive mechanism. We will offer the service to expand the token economic model through the Dex development platform “private domain traffic” to provide support plans, data interfaces, token transactions, IDO, liquidity, mining services, alliance marketing, etc. for the GameFi project.

As a Trader and Player

In the P2E universe, owning a NFT-2E card you can not only use it as a digital art, making money from mining, a game item, enter VIP chat groups and future offline activities but also unlock exclusive souvenirs. Whether it is a direct airdrop of or a reward after completing a specific task, PLS2E.IO can create a strong community for the game industry and Fans, and make a whole new experience for both parties.