Mars4 Metaverse Launches a Rewarding Affiliate Program

Mars4 Metaverse Launches A Rewarding Affiliate Program
  • Affiliate programs are a great way to promote blockchain projects.
  • P2E NFT game Mars4 is introducing its own affiliate program.
  • The game’s affiliate program will include a lot of perks, mainly offering ways to earn passive income.

Crypto traders across the globe are exploring ways to grow their portfolios and increase their earnings. One of the best ways to do this is to promote blockchain projects through affiliate programs.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

For starters, affiliate marketing is a strategy where a third-party affiliate promotes products or services to their community and earns commissions based on their performance. The most common performance is the sales-based approach, where affiliates generate income based on their sales.

Demands for platforms that can exponentially complement the monetization of online activity by crypto enthusiasts have indeed increased. And play-to-earn (P2E) NFT game Mars4 comes in to meet this demand.

What is Mars4 and its Affiliate Program?

Mars4 is a blockchain-native virtual world divided into three interconnected parts: MARS4 dollar (cryptocurrency), Mars land plot NFTs, and the upcoming metaverse game.

Together, these three entities play an important role in creating a unique P2E survival game experience, which takes place on the Red Planet. Through Mars4, users can view Mars in 3D. In the upcoming game, players can explore their Mars NFT lands, gather various resources, trade them, and earn money from the game.

These NFT land plots are interactive and will serve as real estate in the future game. Meanwhile, in-game NFT assets will soon be available for purchase, including tools and cosmetic items.

How does affiliate marketing relate to Mars4? This P2E recognizes the need for this marketing strategy. As such, Mars4 is introducing an affiliate program to anyone interested in promoting Mars4 to earn a generous commission.

Affiliates will be encouraging NFT sales in the form of land plots from the virtual planet Mars created from NASA data. NFTs assets that will be available in-game will also count as NFT sales for affiliates.

What separates Mars4 from other platforms is that the team behind this game is always looking for ways to enable investors and players to earn active and passive income.

Aboard the Rocket going to Mars4’s Affiliate Program

Mars4 affiliates will be responsible for promoting the project in any method, using any communication platforms they choose. Whether it is an in-depth video review about Mars4 or a short yet catchy social media caption, affiliates could work as much as they want and generate passive income from their content about Mars4.

The team behind Mars4 will, of course, be with their affiliates along their journey. They will have a dedicated account manager and receive access to various Mars4 marketing collaterals.

With commissions starting from $60 per sale, Mars4 provides its affiliates the possibility to earn high payouts with no cap limit. A tiered commission structure is also integrated. This means that the payout for one sale will increase after reaching a certain amount of sales.

USD? Crypto? Name it! The project offers different payment opportunities, providing flexibility to Mars4 affiliates. Aside from this, monthly payouts can also be awarded to affiliates.


Looking for ways to grow your portfolios and increase your earnings? Join the Mars4 affiliate program! You will collect a rewarding commission starting from $60 per sale, receive full support during your journey, and possibly be rewarded with monthly payouts. Since the payouts are uncapped, the sky’s the limit to your earnings!

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