A look into the gameplay of Fables of Fyra: The Awakening

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The Awakening is a free-to-play, single-player, open-world RPG game that incorporates a play-to-earn economy in the universe of Fyra Oyer. The game is set to launch this summer with the Silver Key Land Mint going live this May! It features questing, farming, crafting, exploring, and interactive storytelling. Additionally, NFTs and blockchain integration grant players optional ownership of in-game assets, characters, and crafted items. 

Players can choose from one of several playable dragon characters- either a free elemental dragon or one established in the Fables. Each is tasked with rebuilding the land and discovering the nature of a major disaster that has left only young dragons in the world. 

Players are free to explore the game as they wish, where multiple paths can lead to numerous outcomes. Some may focus on crafting, raising animals, or training as chefs to cook delicious and beneficial dishes. Others may be more focused on the story and wish to pursue multiple questlines. 

Dragons and Skills Overview 

Dragons in The Awakening are established in one or more elements that impact gameplay: Fire, Water, Ice, and Earth. NFT Dragons also have traits that impact the gameplay, such as strong, smart, quick, charming, perceptive, creative, thrifty, and wise.

The dragons can increase in Skill Levels by performing tasks. As experience increases through skill-specific actions, useful higher-tier items unlock that assist in completing more complex tasks. A specialization skill can be chosen when the “Experienced” level is reached in a skill. Each base skill has two specializations, and only one skill from each base skill can be chosen to specialize.  

The base skills, their respective specializations, and skill levels are: 

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As enough experience in the various skills is gained, advanced items can be crafted that can be turned into NFT Items. To do so, Cave Dragons can be visited and offered $CAVE tokens in exchange for turning your items into NFTs. NFT Items can then be rented or sold to other players.    

While there is always one main character that the player uses for the activities in The Awakening, a player with multiple dragons can gain certain advantages. If a dragon has bred, the partner dragon can be imported, and its attributes are added to the bonus list. The player can then swap between the dragons and benefit from both elemental bonuses. The offspring may also be added to the land and act as Farm Hands. 

Non-Player Characters (or NPCs) exist in the game as well, and some actively interact with the player, help guide them, or assist in various quests. By interacting with these characters, the player learns more about the overall lore and mysteries of Fyra Oyer.

Quests Overview

Throughout their journey, the player will encounter various quests they can complete to earn items, gold, or other rewards. While optional, they can provide important benefits and generally come in two forms:

Additionally, players may attend special events in the game. They may be seasonal or created specifically for a particular event. 

Trade and Economy Overview 

The land is rich with commerce opportunities, and a key part of the game is earning gold. Cave dragons and other merchants are willing to sell and buy goods, though they are often greedy and desire to profit as much as possible from their activities. Players building up wealth by making and selling items will want to focus on finding profitable items as well as boosts that increase their charisma.

The Cave Dragons are discerning with their clients. In their domain, they have two areas available only to players who have either become good customers, have special privileges by being NFT landowners, or are playing on land of NFT landowners.

Upcoming Key Dates

Another chance to own land is near — the Silver Key Land Mint will launch in May! The Silver Key is a limited-edition key, providing access to special regions of Fyra Oyer and unique benefits that will help increase your land’s earning capability. There are only 1000 available and will go fast= join our Discord for the latest updates.  

Disclaimer: This is a paid post and should not be treated as news/advice.