Alitas Is Making Great Innovative Breakthroughs, Preparing for Developer-Friendly Public Chain for Metaverse

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Alitas is deemed to become more developer-friendly and will soon become a rising star in the next generation of public chains.

Recently, Alitas announced that a huge technology breakthrough has been achieved with the innovative spirit and support of the technology team. In the past months, Alitas’ mainnet is proceeding in an orderly manner, and big development can be seen regarding the security, scalability, transaction efficiency of the mainnet, and the development of GameFi SDK. The continuous improvement of functions, performance, compatibility and other aspects will help Alitas contribute more to web3 infrastructure.

In the area of mainnet security, Alitas adopted the LMD-GHOST (Latest Message Driven Greediest Heaviest Observed SubTree) protocol as the selection rule for the mainnet consensus, which can greatly ensure the mainnet security. In addition, to balance the decentralization, consistency, and scalability of the main network, Alitas designed the sub-chains to solve this problem. By dividing the existing chain into many smaller and faster chains, the whole system can achieve a dynamic and scalable limit.

Also, each chain is independent and has the respective transaction ledger and status information. This design gives full play to the advantages of horizontal expansion so as to increase the overall throughput of the blockchain system to a height that is comparable to the current mainstream centralized payment system.

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Another breakthrough is that EVM is replaced by Wasm virtual machine. In order to be able to execute smart contracts on each sub chain and communicate with other sub-chains, a brand new Wasm virtual machine, a web browser standard developed by the W3C working group, is introduced to allow code to be deployed in any browser, and to obtain to the same result. Wasm is extremely performant and it is built to be as close to native machine code as possible while remaining platform-independent, facilitating the transfer of small binaries over the internet to devices with slower connections.

Once switched to the Wasm virtual machine, developers can use any familiar programming language to develop smart contracts, such as Golang, Java, Python, etc. It will open up a wonderful era for people to develop Dapps, and various blockchain applications will blossom.

It is worth mentioning that the overall framework suitable for the GameFi SDK has also been designed, and the implementation of the functions has been completed. At present, the security of the SDK is being further improved. Alitas use Link Oracles for off-chain data acquisition and calibration, which will be very friendly to those games that deal with weather, news, etc. At the same time, the SDK has also begun to plan to support other mainstream networks such as Bsc, Fantom, Avalanche, Solana, Terra, as well as Arbitum, Optimism, Zksync and other Layer 2 networks, allowing game developers to focus more on the content and details of the game, without having to worry about which the main network to choose and which SDK to use to support multiple main chains with one click.

These major updates are important milestones for Alitas. After this update, the mainnet has been further improved in terms of security, scalability and efficiency, and the security of the GameFi SDK has also been greatly improved. In the coming future, cross-chain bridges, DAO organizations, NFT brand assets, etc. will also be developed, which is what the metaverse is looking forward to.

Aiming to provide more breaking technology updates, Alitas is deemed to become more developer-friendly and will soon become a rising star in the next generation of public chains.


Andy Watson

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