Launch Pass NFT Lets You Apply for a Place on a Suborbital Rocket

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Launch Pass NFT: Just when you thought NFTs were dead, along comes an NFT collection that gives you a fairly realistic chance of going into space. Which is nice work if you can get it.

An outfit called Uplift Aerospace has just announced that collectors of their NFTs will get the chance to travel to space aboard New Shepard. This is Blue Origin’s suborbital rocket.

On the 10th May, Uplift Aerospace will release the Launch Pass NFT collection. In it are 10,921 NFT artworks. The number represents the Moon’s circumference (in km).

Launch Pass NFT benefits

Once you own the NFT, you can apply for a job to fly to space. Applicants will be processed and selected by the Uplift Aerospace team. Only people holding the Launch Pass NFT can apply. The applicant will be selected at 11:59 pm EDT on May 22 of this year.


According to the Aerospace team, “Once a member from the NFT community has been selected from the applications for the spaceflight, all owners of the 10,921 Launch Pass NFTs will have the option to convert their Launch Pass to a Space+ NFT avatar character called Starborn.

2022 05 09 15 26 31 Space NFT provides access to space through the metaverse Profile 1 Microsof

The Starborn profile pictures (PFPs), built for Space+’s upcoming metaverse, visually represent the future of humanity in space.

Space+ say the objective of to use web3 technologies to create connections between Earth and Space. The Starborn collection will provide access to real-life experiences. This includes suborbital and Zero-G flights. Plus, rocket launch events, professional networks, and “payload space” for showcasing items on the International Space Station.

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Space and Web3

There has been rapid innovation in the private space sector in the past five years. Uplift Aerospace say they are building the web3 infrastructure needed to create relationships between Earthlings and people in space.

Launch Pass NFT: Just when you thought NFTs were dead, along comes an NFT collection that gives you a fairly realistic chance of going into space.

Uplift Aerospace, Inc. plan to jump in early in the space industry to manufacture, trade, and deliver products for a multi-planetary economy.

Got something to say about the Launch Pass NFT or anything else? Write to us or join the discussion in our Telegram channel. You can also catch us on Tik Tok, Facebook, or Twitter.


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Nicole Buckler has been working as an editor and journalist for over 25 years, writing from Sydney, Melbourne, Taipei, London, and Dublin. She now writes from the crazy-amazing Gold Coast in Australia. Nicole first bought Bitcoin in 2013 not really understanding what she was doing. She is an accidental HoDLer.

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