Shiba Inu is going to zero, experts predict

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  • Experts polled by predict that Shiba Inu is going to zero in the medium term and suggest that anyone who holds should sell before it collapses.
  • Shiba Inu will be the victim of a change in the direction of funds in crypto towards projects that create actual value and away from meme coins.

If you’re holding onto Shiba Inu in the hopes that the memecoin will take off once again, you should sell it immediately before the project goes up in flames. This is according to 36 fintech experts who in a recent poll claimed they believe the future is bleak for the second-largest memecoin.

At press time, Shiba is trading at $0.00001183, 10 percent higher over the last week. With a market cap of $6.5 billion, it’s the 16th-largest crypto project and is $5 billion below the memecoin leader Dogecoin.

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(SHIB price performance year-to-date).

However, despite being in the top 20, SHIB has lost over 65 percent of its value year-to-date. Experts polled by believe that this drop will continue.

“Things are not looking good for the memecoin Shiba Inu,” Finder says. “The panel expects the token’s value to continue to plummet and be worth $0.000002500 to close out 2025 and $0.000000325 by the end of 2030.”

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One of those who believe that SHIB is going the way of the dodo is Matthew Harry, the head of funds at DigitaX Asset Management. He told the outlet:

This market is maturing and things like SHIB will die as capital begins to flow to quality and value rather than being scattered across the field in the hope that every player wins a prize. That’s not how things work. Hype dies, value rises.

Dimitrios Salampasis, a fintech lecturer at Swinburne University of Technology concurs. He commented:

I am of the opinion that all these joke-type coins will disappear and leave space for actual innovation and cryptoassets that can serve proper use cases.

For those that hold Shiba Inu, this is the time to sell before it gets worse, the experts say. “Our panel is overwhelmingly out on SHIB, with 73% saying that now is the time to sell. Just 23% say you should hold onto your SHIB and only 3% think you should buy,” Finder wrote.

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The new study comes at a time when data has shown that Shiba Inu’s popularity has dipped significantly. As CNF reported, the crypto has seen a 75 percent dip in Google searches as the memecoin hype has died off.

However,’s panels have got some predictions spectacularly wrong. In April, a panel predicted that LUNA would hit $143 this year and $390 by 2025.

“The LUNA token will continue to gain traction as long as there are no clear regulations in stablecoins. We believe that LUNA and UST will have an advantage and be adopted as a major stablecoin across the crypto space,” one of the panelists predicted.