Global Game Demands Global Currency as International Hockey Players Turn to Crypto for Payment


Justin Azevedo knows that the grind of the game on the ice is often nothing compared to the increasing hassle of getting paid while playing the global game.

“I need to have financial independence and know that despite playing internationally my finances are always with me,” said the Zurich Lions (NL) standout.

As individuals and companies around the world continue to bring crypto transactions into the mainstream, professional hockey players like Azevedo are increasingly turning to crypto as their preferred form of payment, embracing its ease of transfer and the financial independence that comes with it.

As Azevedo (and hundreds of players like him) will tell you, the modern game requires its top talent to travel from country to country several times a year. That means payment methods need to be nimble and unburdened by border restrictions or needless banking delays.

Just ask Jayce Hawryluk of Skelleftea (SHL). After transferring to Sweden, he was forced to wait weeks for his sign-on money to arrive in Canada before being able to enter Sweden and join his new team, missing valuable practice time pre season.

“With borderless systems like blockchain, that wouldn’t happen,” Hawryluk said.

Sometimes situations are bigger than the inconvenience caused by banking bureaucracies. Political and social instability dramatically impact players’ abilities to make a living.

Cory Emmerton of Laussane (NL) played in the KHL (Russia) in a season where sanctions were put on the country. That fact made it extremely difficult to transfer money out of the country, and when he could, the exchange rate varied wildly.

“The evolution of crypto – and especially LOCKER Token – should dramatically ease these hassles that arise from country to country in the near future,” Emmerton said.

LOCKER is on a mission to change the way professional sports are organized by creating a digital ecosystem that will offer previously inaccessible benefits to everyone involved.

Teams are now able to manage their finances through a tokenized system and enjoy digital interaction like never before. LOCKER services can be used to facilitate payroll, incentivize players, write contractual agreements, and create digital content for fans. In addition, the platform will offer a marketplace where fans can buy and sell tickets, merchandise, and other digital goods and services, like authenticated NFTs.

“Cryptocurrencies like LOCKER are designed to move at the speed of the game,” said Pat Curcio, LOCKER co-founder, and pro hockey agent. “We believe that our system will offer a number of advantages for everyone involved, from players to franchises to fans.”

The LOCKER mobile app is available on theGoogle Play &iOS App Store and consists of a user-friendly noncustodial wallet with many unique features that make it easy to get involved in the new world of blockchain.

Key benefits LOCKER token and app include

  • International Payroll: A decentralized payment system allows for easy transactions with players across the global market.
  • Lower costs: LOCKER will be able to drastically reduce third-party fees by using blockchain technology.
  • Greater transparency: All transactions on the LOCKER platform will be recorded on the blockchain, meaning they are transparent and tamper-proof.
  • Fair play: The use of smart contracts will help to ensure that all rules are followed and that everyone gets paid what they’re owed.
  • Increased engagement: Giving fans a direct way to support their favorite teams through the purchase of tickets, merchandise, and other digital goods and services will help to increase engagement of teams and their fanbase, generating entirely new revenue streams.
  • Loyalty programs: LOCKER’s tokenized system will allow teams to create loyalty programs that will reward fans for their support.

To learn more about Locker Token visit

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