How Blockchain Technology is Reducing the Digital Divide

World Mobile 2
  • Blockchain Technology is useful to close the digital divide.
  • Information and internet access are open source, accountable, and transparent in the blockchain.
  • World Mobile is an instance of a platform that aims to solve the digital divide.

The digital divide is a sociological term for unequal access to technology that results in a lack of information and knowledge. World-renowned sociologistJon Van Dijk was wary of using the term “digital divide” as it is too ambiguous. The term iterates that there are two separate factors: high technology access and low technology access, however, the problem is much deeper than this.

There are several factors that influence the technological divide including politics, freedom, capital, resources, participation, capabilities, education, and skill. Issues stemming from the digital divide include a lack of official identification, access to bank accounts, financial security, information, and education, ultimately leading to the restricted potential for even the most talented citizens.

To put this problem into perspective, even the most proficient, brilliant, or skilled people in the world rely on technology to reach their full potential, but those without access to connectivity are denied opportunities and are often excluded from the technological age, with their talents set aside.

How Blockchain is Closing the Divide

The most common measure of the digital divide is technology and internet access.Statista records the United States as having an internet usage rate of 90%, whereas theglobal usage sits at 62%, andAfrica at only 30%. This data displays the intensity of the digital divide and is a clear indicator of how a lack of internet access is a problem globally, inhibiting billions of people and businesses from reaching their full potential.

Blockchain is a vital element in reducing and eventually removing the digital divide. By using blockchain technology, information and internet access is open-source, transparent, and accountable. Using blockchain, a team of a thousand people monitoring, scanning, implementing, and coding internet servers is no longer needed. Instead, the blockchain automatically records, monitors, scans, and expands networks — autonomously and transparently.

UNICEF utilizes blockchain through its Project Connect mission, which monitors and tracks schools’ internet usage. However, countries must accept the support, making it highly centralized and highly specific to the education system.

Africa specifically has low internet coverage, with the coverage present mostly restricted to wealthier areas. This is where World Mobile enters. In order to close the digital divide, World Mobile aims to connect the unconnected, with high-quality internet and technological access. World Mobile builds internet access hubs from renewable energy and blockchain technology through its sharing economy. Through the native $WMT token, token holders can become network node operators, while earning WMT rewards and securing networks across Africa.

Through its innovative hybrid network, World Mobile will support Africa where others have not by minimizing the significant operational cost restraints by centralized operators. It is essentially, high-quality internet for the masses, controlled by the people and autonomously designed for maximum transparency and efficiency.

How it Works

World Mobile uses blockchain for trust, efficiency, digital identity, sharing economy, self-data governance, and community. The network has transactions validated using the blockchain resulting in safely recorded and automated transactions. It is efficient with automated smart contracts replacing high-cost governance and administration.

The network is based on a sharing economy, meaning staking and node owners are rewarded automatically, creating a rapid cycle of token economics and network growth. This is done while providing users privacy and control over their data through self-governance. There is no overarching centralized control over users’ data, privacy, or access. Lastly, the network focuses on building self-sustaining communities by promoting ownership and the creation of infrastructure, allowing for fundraising and growth to be scalable and continuous.

Blockchain technology holds the key to reducing the effects of the digital divide, allowing undiscovered talents amongst the population to be recognized and nurtured through access to financial support and education. World Mobile provides digital identity, enabling the population to bridge the digital divide and discover a whole new world of possibility.