Ripple announces collaboration with Lunu to accelerate cryptocurrency adoption

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  • Ripple, a provider of enterprise blockchain and crypto solutions, today announced a partnership with Lunu, a Berlin-based startup.
  • The collaboration will see Lunu retailers accept cryptocurrency as a form of payment through Ripple’s Liquidity Center.

Ripple, the leader in enterprise blockchain and crypto solutions, has announced a partnership with Lunu to support the Berlin-based company’s luxury retailers in accepting cryptocurrency as a form of payment in-store and online using Ripple’s Liquidity Hub.

Lunu allows its customers to receive payments for their goods in cryptocurrency through specially designed PoS terminals. The partnership with Ripple will help the company speed up transactions with the Liquidity Hub, which optimizes the exchange of cryptocurrency for fiat. With intelligent order routing, Ripple Liquidity Hub provides the best prices from cryptocurrency exchanges, OTC platforms, and market makers via API. The product will eliminate the need to distribute funds among various intermediaries. Rajesh Madhaiyan, Director of Product, Lunu stated this about the partnership;

For luxury retailers it is vital to stay on top of the latest trends, and when it comes to payments the greatest innovation is coming from the evolving crypto scene. Thanks to Lunu these retailers get access to new, younger, more affluent audiences that are constantly growing in numbers. Our partnership with Ripple has the potential to greatly impact retailers’ customer service offerings by expanding the variety of payment methods and by portraying retailers’ brands as more innovative and progressive,

Ripple launched Liquidity Hub to support long-term crypto adoption, offering turn-key integration and smart order routing to source digital assets at optimized prices. Sendi Young, Ripple’s Managing Director, Europe, stated;

Crypto liquidity is the common thread that underpins all of Ripple’s solutions, from payments to lending and credit. Our ambition is to build a suite of enterprise-oriented crypto products for the benefit of our clients and their customers. This is why we are so excited by this fantastic new use case for Liquidity Hub which will enable Lunu’s luxury retail clients to accept crypto payments at the point of sale,

LUNU involvement in the crypto industry

Developer of a payment gateway designed to encourage greater use of cryptocurrencies in the real world. The company offers cryptocurrency-based payment processing solutions that allow users to immediately spend their cryptocurrencies as local currency at the point of sale in retail transactions without costly exchange fees, allowing businesses to leverage decentralized exchange rates and unlimited liquidity.

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