Lapoyoma Crypto Payment Network for the CStore / Gas Station Industry Launches an Interest-Free Funding Network to Finance Businesses

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At the beginning of 2022, the Lapoyoma crypto payment network announced the creation of the Lapoyoma YAM Funds small business financing system. This system allows one to get interest-free loans for CStore and Gas Station businesses. The 0% rate will be available to any business owners who accept crypto payments via Lapoyoma’s decentralized payment infrastructure.

Lapoyoma YAM Funds project was created to help buyers, sellers, and business owners integrate into the DeFi ecosystem. By attracting more and more crypto-oriented sellers, Lapoyoma eliminates the supply/demand imbalance, i.e. when more people are willing to buy with cryptocurrency and fewer people willing to accept it as payment.

Lapoyoma aims to become a global token for ordinary buyers who shop in CStore and refuel cars at Gas Station. To make this dream come true, Lapoyoma is developing an open decentralized payment network that will replace traditional banking.

Why Haven’t Crypto Payments Replaced Traditional Bank Transfers Yet?

Despite the growth of cryptocurrency exchange rates and the inexhaustible influx of new users, the crypto payment infrastructure is still at the initial stage of development. This is since now cryptocurrencies are perceived as a tool for storing and transferring large sums; in everyday life, most people use the good old fiat money.

In addition, although traditional payment methods cannot boast of their security, speed, and low costs, most of the world’s population is not integrated into the crypto economy.

Lapoyoma experts have identified three main problems that prevent the implementation of cryptocurrencies:

  • Volatility

The exchange rate of cryptocurrencies can change by tens of percent per day. If the cryptocurrency exchange rate drops at the time of sale, the seller risks selling the goods not with a profit, but with a loss. Even worse, by accepting payment in a classic cryptocurrency like BTC, business owners face the inability to calculate the final price for goods and services for their consumers.

Lapoyoma solves the problem of volatility thanks to the YAM stablecoin, which is connected to the USDT token rate, which in turn is connected to the USD fiat currency rate. Thus, at any given time, the seller can be sure that the payment he received in YAM tokens is fully equivalent to the value of the goods in dollars.

  • Scalability

Classic blockchains can transfer billions of dollars from one point in the world to another in just a few minutes (and with a minimum service fee), but this is still not enough for daily payments in stores and gas stations. Until 2017, a bitcoin transaction required at least 10 minutes to be included in the block. Who would agree to stand at the checkout and wait 10 minutes for the seller to see the transaction when there is a credit card in a pocket that allows one to pay in just a few seconds?

Lapoyoma solves the scalability problem using the ultra-fast Binance Smart Chain (BSC) blockchain. The average block check time for BSC is about 3 seconds. Thus, the YAM token based on the BEP-20 protocol provides 5 times faster transaction execution speed compared to Ethereum blockchain tokens, and hundreds of times faster compared to Bitcoin blockchain transactions.

  • Reliance on the exchange rate of fiat currencies

Reliance on fiat may be the main obstacle on the cryptocurrency’s way to a great payment future. Because of this problem, merchants are forced to set the price in fiat money. Therefore, when the holder of cryptocurrency wants to pay the bill with digital assets, he uses such payment solutions that automatically convert his cryptocurrency into fiat when paying the bill.

Lapoyoma solves the problem of reliance on fiat through the introduction of a simple payment system and QR codes. Thanks to this system, the seller no longer has to worry about irrelevant prices, and the buyer doesn’t need to monitor the conversion of cryptocurrency to fiat. More about the payment process via QR codes can be found below.

How Does the Lapoyoma Payment Network Work?

Lapoyoma is a decentralized P2P payment network that allows you to fully use digital money to pay for everyday goods and services. In addition to low service fees and speed of transfers, the service has another significant advantage. All Lapoyoma payments can be made without exposing information to third parties. Carefully tested cryptographic algorithms similar to those used for online banking protect the entire system.

That’s how Lapoyoma works:

  • the seller uses a pair of keys to generate unique QR codes;
  • each QR code contains data for a verified seller account;
  • the seller prints QR codes and attaches them to each product;
  • users scan the QR code with any smart device;
  • users open a web form that collects and records the buyer’s data;
  • YAM tokens are debited from the buyer’s account and credited to the seller’s account.

Thanks to QR codes, Lapoyoma provides real-time crypto transactions without exposing the seller to cryptocurrency volatility risks.

Lapoyoma developers organize a payment system based on the needs of businesses. These developers have quite a unique experience in retail business sales. The list of such businesses includes Grocery Stores, C-Stores, and Gas Stations. They have also developed the FYBN app, the first tool for selling a retail business. This precious experience has allowed Lapoyoma developers to create a functional ecosystem based on the needs of small businesses and their customers.

Lapoyoma Tokenomics

YAM is a stablecoin and Lapoyoma’s internal payment instrument. In addition to the exclusive opportunity to pay for purchases in YAM, token users can also receive discounts and cashback for using the token.

Today, the Lapoyoma YAM token is available for sale on the P2PB2B crypto exchange. Follow the link to buy or sell YAM.

Why Lapoyoma?

Lapoyoma is a completely virtual network that is already used by thousands of buyers and sellers all over the USA. Lapoyoma, like any other form of money, can be used to pay online and offline in regular stores. Thanks to the decentralized structure, Lapoyoma network users have exclusive control over their funds, and no third party can access them.

However, in addition to simplicity, convenience, and security, there are other reasons to use the Lapoyoma payment network. To stimulate demand and reward project participants, Lapoyoma introduces a series of rewards and discounts.

  • Lapoyoma Cashback: With each booking on the website, the user receives 2% of the total cost of the reservation, i.e. a cashback. The user receives the cashback in the form of Lapoyoma YAM tokens sent to his or her wallet.
  • Smart Program: The Smart Program allows program participants to receive discounts of up to 5% when booking millions of housing spaces worldwide. Participants can also get an additional discount of up to 3% when paying with the Lapoyoma YAM token.
  • Credit card: Lapoyoma credit cards can be used to pay online and offline in retail stores. When a transaction is made, 4% of its sum is sent to the buyback wallet.

Combining flexible fast payments, a discount system, and low service fees, Lapoyoma creates a truly revolutionary community-oriented network for everyone who uses CStore and Gas Station.

Join Lapoyoma to change the future of retail!

More information about the Lapoyoma project can be found here: Website, Telegram.