FaraStarter AMA Recap

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BSCDaily hosts FaraStarter: #launchpad #FaraStarter #BSCDaily #BSC

autoshark banner 26_11_2021

BSC_Daily Admin: Hello and welcome, how are you today?

SonHo: Hello everyone, nice to meet you all here today. Totally excited for the AMA.

BSC_Daily Admin: Happy to hear! Ready to start our AMA?

SonHo: Yes, totally 😎

Q1: Now to start the AMA, please have a quick introduction to the community. What is FaraStarter all about? The team and their experience with crypto projects?

SonHo: Faraststarter is a project developed by Moonknight Labs – the team behind Faraland to support Gamefi-related projects. Farastarter forms partnerships, do strategic investment, advise, incubate and bring projects to the Farastarter launchpad.

All of our team members have got experienced with crypto projects in different areas: tech, marketing, operation, product development, legeal, etc.  The members all have background from reputable projects, such as Faraland, Kyber Network, Bemil, etc.

Q2: Are you a global project or a local project? Can anyone use your project anywhere without any restrictions?

SonHo: Most hot gaming projects right now are from Vietnam, so I guess projects from Vietnam will play a big part in our launchpad, and on other launchpads as well. However, we’re expanding to global market already, let’s wait and see what names we’re bringing next.

Regarding the restriction, we follow the standard crypto legal framework. As for restricted countries, they’re mentioned our KYC procedure.

Q3: Can you walk us through the uniqueness of FaraStarter?

SonHo: The first thing is the token usecase. We use $FARA instead of making a new token, that’s why the token growth is ensured with the growth of Faraland also, not just Farastarter.

Therefore, Farastarter is not under the pressure of launching a lot of projects to keep the token price. Instead, we focus on a small number of projects, but high-quality ones. You can think of this as a decentralized Coinlist haha.

Another thing is, unlike other launchpads, instead of only launching & marketing, we provide strategic, investment, in-game cross-over, advisory, and even incubation also. This doesn’t 100% ensure that the project will launch on Farastarter launchpad though.

Q4: What is the long-term plan for your business?

SonHo: In a long-term view, we’ll create a metaverse (yeah I know this phrase has been used a lot recently haha) where all players can use their NFT for all of the games within our ecosystem.

Q5: Let’s dive into your token. Tokenomics & use cases? What is the benefit of token holders?

SonHo: Farastarter is using FARA token, so the usecases are tied with its usecases in the game:

– Raise floor price of heroes

– Buy equipment in gacha

– Stake to level up heroes

– Trade equipment on marketplace

– Upgrade equipment

– Vote for various parameters

– Change the name of heroes

– Stake to upgrade Tier on Farastarter (to get more allocation size)

Q6: What are the unique features of Faraland that superior to other NFT gaming?

SonHo: Everything about Faraland is unique. Nothing was copied, from every single code to art concept, everything was created from scratch by our team of developers.

Faraland is one the first to have NFT Items equipable on an NFT Hero. And Faraland concept – a mobile turn-based strategy game with an open-world mechanism is also what makes us stand out from the rest

Another special feature that Faraland has to offer is NFT Hero’s Floor Price. This is an innovation function bringing guaranteed liquidity for your NFT & can stack up to its value over time through trading & other gaming activities.

Q7: Is the process on FaraStarter different from other launchpads?

SonHo: The process is similar to most launchpads I believe. New projects are introduced either via our form on the website, or via a reputable connection, we then have a thorough look at many factors including: business model, revenue model, team, advisor, backers, target segment, MVP, etc.

If the project is potential, we’ll work with projects about what can be improved. After everything is satisfied with our standards, the project can be launched on Farastarter.

Q8: Where can we find out more about FaraStarter on social media?

SonHo: You can visit these channels:

– Website: https://farastarter.com/

– Twitter: https://twitter.com/FaraStarter

– Telegram Announcement Channel: https://t.me/FaraStarterNews

– Telegram Group Chat: https://t.me/FaraStarter_Global

And of course you can talk about Farastarter anywhere within our Faraland communities.

BSC_Daily Admin: With this, we are now at the end of our AMA session with FaraStarter.

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

SonHo: Haha it would be great to talk about Farastarter – a branch of Faraland to you guys. If you’ve missed Elemon & Bemil, let’s wait to see what’re next.

BSC_Daily Admin: Thank you so much for spending time with our community & all the very best for FaraStarter.

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