UK Financial of Mexico Signs Partnership with Eastern Pacific Group to Help Assist in the Closing of Maya Preferred’s Retirement Plan Project

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Place/Date: – December 4th, 2021 at 9:24 pm UTC · 3 min read
Source: UK Financial Ltd

UK Financial Ltd. signs agreement with Eastern Pacific Group to assist with the closing and funding of “The Retirement Plan” with US banks and financial institutions and will now operate under its NEW Mexican Corporation, UK Financial of Mexico, which was one of the final requirements needed to close on the company’s “Retirement Plan Project”.

UK Financial of Mexico today announced that it has signed an agreement with Eastern Pacific Group to help administer all of the final requirements to close on UK Financial of Mexico Ltd.’s Retirement Plan Project. Eastern Pacific Group is the holder of multiple patents: new technology, farming, water, energy, recycling, and distribution in over 59 countries. Eastern Pacific Group is also a gateway for UK Financial of Mexico to enter into contracts with banking entities and other financial institutions to back and distribute the Maya Preferred Token (MAYP), and also used as a leverage for backing our own Retirement Plan.

Eastern Pacific Group also has the experience and expertise to merge both worldwide banking and the crypto markets by backing the banks and institutions with our massively backed gold and silver MAYP stable coin.

James Dahlke President and CEO of the Maya Project, stated:

“We are excited about this partnership with Eastern Pacific Group. And we also know that the wait will be well worth the glory that this first ever Retirement Plan Project which we will bring to many of our patient investors.”

UK Financial of Mexico will now become the only operating corporation that all of UK Financial’s business practices fall under. This was done due to the recent requirements that the government of Mexico has recently put in place, which requires that any corporation that does business with a gold or silver mines must be a corporation of Mexico. UK Financial of Mexico’s main priority is to honor and adhere to all of Mexico’s laws. The gold and silver mines, the Santiago and Las Maria’s mines, are located in Mexico.

In the near future we will announce instructions to inform investors on what they need to do in order to receive their monthly dividend of the Retirement Plan. U.K Financial of Mexico would like to remind the entire investing community there are only 1 million tokens available for the retirement plan projects minus the tokens previously distributed to first round participants. This means of the 200 million MAYP tokens created only 1 million will trade on the open market and will be available for the retirement plan. The other 199 million will be used to back banks, financial institutions and companies that UK Financial of Mexico decides to invest in. UK Financial of Mexico would like to make it crystal clear that there are only a 1 million coin float of the Maya preferred project and this number is reduced by the first round and future round participants whose tokens will be frozen in the MYEX wallets.