Calo Indoor – the First Application Combining AR and Blockchain-GameFi Elements

calo indoor combining ar blockchain gamefi elements 1

Place/Date: – August 25th, 2022 at 8:31 am UTC · 2 min read
Contact: Calo Run,
Source: Calo Metaverse

On August 24, 2022, Calo Metaverse officially launched the second project called Calo Indoor. This is the first application in the world that combines AR (Augmented Reality) technology with Blockchain – GameFi elements.


Calo Indoor encourages users to exercise in the house through the Augmented Reality games installed right on the phone, tablet, … To start practicing in game, players need to equip a NFT Sneaker suitable for each type of exercise. And of course, Calo Indoor players will receive valuable rewards that can be converted into cash such as IFIT Tokens, Calo Tokens or other items in game.

According to Mr. Phan Tuan – CEO of Calo Metaverse:

“Calo Indoor is a project developed in parallel with Calo Run in Caloverse Ecosystem.”

calo indoor

FIT Token in Calo Run and IFIT Token in Calo Indoor operate around Calo Token

Calo Indoor and Calo Run are two projects in the CaloVerse Ecosystem for Sports and Healthy Lifestyles. Therefore, CaloVerse has built a solid connect mechanism of two economies. More specifically, the economy of Calo Run and Calo Indoor will operate around Calo Token. This ensures the flexibility of the ecosystem and opens up many economic benefits for the players where they can move assets or trade items back and forth between the two economies.

After the pandemic, health became the top concern of the community. However, not all of us have conditions to go to a professional gym or have a personal coach. At this time, simple exercise such as jogging, walking, or indoor simple exercise become the optimal choice for health practice. Understanding this demand, the Caloverse ecosystem has been developing a system of applications combining many different technological factors.

AR technology applied to Calo Indoor project will help to enhance the variety of training experiences for users. Calo Metaverse expects Calo Indoor will become a project to lead the trend of sports practice and enhanced augmented reality technology.

Learn more about the project here. Join our community.

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