Google Play Market Does Not Approve Trump’s Truth Social App

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The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has refused Trump’s application for Truth Social as well. The agency has found that two other companies have similar names and the trademark grant would create a ‘likelihood of confusion.’

Former US President Donald Trump‘s social media app dubbed Truth Social has been blocked by the Google Play market, which means that Android phones (which make up 40% of the US market) do not have an easy way to download the app.

As Google spokesperson has explained, the reason behind blocking the application from Google Play Market is the content of Truth Social. In particular, it has no sensitive content banners that appear before some posts. These banners should read “This content may not be suitable for all audiences.” Instead, there is content that threatens violence on the platform.

Google said:

“On Aug. 19, we notified Truth Social of several violations of standard policies in their current app submission and reiterated that having effective systems for moderating user-generated content is a condition of our terms of service for any app to go live on Google Play.”

Google further added:

“Last week Truth Social wrote back acknowledging our feedback and saying that they are working on addressing these issues.”

Meanwhile, Truth Social seems to be fine with all the content it has. Its CEO Devin Nunes said in an appearance on the right-wing media outlet, Real America’s Voice, on August 26:

“When are we going to be available on Android? Well, look, that’s up to the Google Play store. I mean we’re waiting on them to approve us and…I don’t know what’s taking so long.”

By the way, the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has refused Trump’s application for Truth Social as well. The agency has found that two other companies have similar names and the trademark grant would create a ‘likelihood of confusion.’

About Truth Social

Last year, such social media platforms as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, SnapChat, and others banned Donald Trump as a result of his clashes with the tech companies. Following the bans, Trump decided to respond with the launch of his own social media app. This is how Truth Social came to life. The app was launched by Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG). Led by Republican US representative Devin Nunes, TMTG aims to even the playing field by providing people with open media platforms where they can share and create content without fear of reputational ruin.

In February this year, the Truth Social app went live on Apple App Store. Notably, just within 24 hours of launch, Truth Social became the most downloaded app there.

It is not clear if Truth Social will be available on Google Play Store. According to Google, Truth Social has been made well aware of why the app still isn’t available on the Play Store. However, the app has not made the required changes yet.

Editor’s Choice, News, Social Media, Technology News

Darya Rudz

Darya is a crypto enthusiast who strongly believes in the future of blockchain. Being a hospitality professional, she is interested in finding the ways blockchain can change different industries and bring our life to a different level.