Nemesis Dao – A Protocol for Decentralized Reserve Currencies on BSC


Nemesis DAO is a protocol for decentralised reserve currencies. Each NMS token is backed by a basket of assets (BUSD, LPs, etc.) in the Nemesis treasury, providing it with an intrinsic value that cannot be devalued.

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NemesisDAO’s mission is to create the BSC’s go-to reserve currency while optimizing short-and long-term profit for NMS token holders. To accomplish this, our one-of-a-kind project introduces economic and game-theoretic dynamics into the market via staking and bonding.

One of the primary objectives is for NMS to become a widely traded pair on the BSC that is backed by real assets. The project wants to create a policy-controlled currency system in which the DAO controls the behaviour of the NMS token at a high level in a way that benefits the majority. In the long run, they believe that this system can be used to optimize for stability and consistency, allowing the NMS to serve as a global unit of account and medium of exchange.

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Project’s Strength

Along with being a part of a determined and forward-thinking community, Nemesis DAO offers many ways to profit. Stakers gain from increased supply. Tokens are generated from the treasury and distributed to stakers. Aside from price exposure, stakers will benefit from auto-compounding. Stakers profit if the gain in token balance exceeds the risk of a price decline (due to inflation). Who doesn’t love passive income?

Alternatively, minters/bonders gain from price stability. The fixed return is expressed in NMS tokens, so the minter’s profit depends on the NMS price at the time the minted NMS matures. Given this, minters benefit from a rising or stable NMS token price! This is how NemesisDAO makes money for you.



Nemesis DAO’s main value-adding technique is staking. Stake NMS tokens on our website for rebase payouts. The rebase payments are based on the number of NMS staked in the protocol and the reward rate determined by monetary policy.

Staking is a slow, steady strategy. As your NMS stake grows, your cost basis decreases until it reaches zero. Even if the market price of NMS dips below your initial purchase price, a long enough staking time should eventually outpace the price reduction.

Staking locks NMS and gives you sNMS. Every epoch, your sNMS balance rebases. sNMS is transferrable and so composable.

Unstaking burns sNMS and rewards NMS tokens. Unstaking forfeits the forthcoming rebase reward. The forfeited reward only applies to unstaked NMS; any staked NMS will continue to receive rebase incentives.

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Nemesis DAO uses minting to generate secondary value. They are selling their assets to the protocol mint NMS.

Minting actions are a mix of fixed income, futures, and options. The protocol quotes the minter’s future trading terms. This includes the amount of NMS to be minted and the time frame for vesting.

In time, the bond vests. In 3 days, 33% of the prizes can be collected after a day.

The approach to minting is active. The secondary mint market’s price discovery mechanism makes mint discounts unpredictable. Compared to staking, minting is a more active investment method that requires regular monitoring.

Allowing users to mint allows NMS to accumulate liquidity. Since Nemesis DAO becomes its market, it accrues more revenue via LP rewards, bolstering the treasury.


Bonds enable users to obtain NMS from the protocol at a discounted rate by exchanging them for liquidity (LP tokens) or other assets. The minting activity establishes bonds that vest over approximately 9 epochs, during which time the user’s NMS tokens vest linearly. Liquidity bonding enables the protocol to accrue and secure liquidity, whereas reserve bonding enables the protocol to rapidly expand its treasury. Therefore, it is backed by NMS.

On its website, Nemesis DAO now offers the following sorts of assets for use in minting NMS:

  • BUSD


  • New Website UI
  • The Audit Report
  • Exchange Listing
  • Partnerships
  • Buyback and Burns
  • New Contests and Events

Expansion Potential

Nemesis DAO aims to address the shortcomings of stablecoins by creating a free-floating reserve currency, NMS. By focusing on supply growth rather than price appreciation, NemesisDAO hopes that NMS can function as a currency that can hold its purchasing power regardless of market volatility.

(3,3) & (1,1)

If you want this platform’s market value to increase by 10 million or perhaps billions, staking your coins is the ideal option. Meanwhile, the team will recruit new users to boost the platform’s total value. Bonding is good for the player and the platform, but not as good as STAKING. Even with a million-dollar market cap, this platform can multiply 1000 times and reach a billion-dollar TVL. However, it necessitates a collective stance on staking. Billions the notion that if everyone cooperated in Nemesis, the maximum benefit would accrue to everyone (from a game theory standpoint).

Currently, a user can take three actions:

  • Staking (+2)
  • Bonding (+1)
  • Selling (-2)

Staking and bonding are regarded as advantageous to the protocol, whilst selling is regarded as bad. Staking and selling will also affect the price, whereas bonding will not.

If both acts are beneficial, the actor who moves the price receives a benefit equal to half (+1). If both acts are incompatible, the bad actor who moves the price receives half the advantage (+1), while the good actor who moves the price receives half the negative (-1). (-1). If both actions are negative, which means that both actors are selling, they each receive half of the negative consequences (-1).

Thus, given two actors, all possible actions and their effects on the protocol are depicted here:

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If both users stake (3,3), this is the optimal course of action for both users and the procedure (3 + 3 = 6).

If one users stakes and the other one bonds, this is likewise beneficial because staking removes NMS from the market and deposits it in the protocol, whilst bonding brings liquidity and BUSD to the treasury (3 + 1 = 4).

When one user sells, the effort required by the other to stake or bond decreases (1-1 = 0).

When both users sell, the protocol suffers (-3+3 = -6).

While it may appear favourable to profit from price increases when new players enter, you are actually sacrificing your own potential revenue. Let’s imagine a new player bought tokens and you sold yours to profit from the price increase. 

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