MergeClub Will Launch More NFT Project to Assist the Ethereum Upgrade Throughout the Process with New Actions

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Place/Date: – September 3rd, 2022 at 3:23 pm UTC · 2 min read
Source: MergeClub

MergeClub, an important supporting organization for the ecological upgrade of Ethereum, is going o launch more NFT project to assist Ethereum in its attempts in the metaverse, Web 3.0, NFT, DID, and various fields. As known, The Merge has fetched US$91.8 million on Nifty Gateway, with 28,983 collectors snapping up 312,686 total units of mass.

From 2014 to 2022, Ethereum has gone through 8 years. Most of users have had the experience of spending hundreds of dollars for a transfer and waiting for a long time. The more popular the crypto market is, the more disturbing the state of Ethereum is, and many developers have made a lot of efforts to make up for the fatal shortcomings of Ethereum. With the full arrival of Web 3.0 and the vigorous development of the metaverse, Ethereum has reached a situation where it has to be upgraded. Otherwise, in the next ten years, Ethereum will loss its domination in the blockchain field.

At this year’s Ethereum conference, Vitalik emphasized in his speech that Bitcoin supporters believe that Bitcoin has completed 80% of the progress, but the merger is only the first step in a series of upgrade plans for Ethereum in the future. He believes that after the merger is completed, Ethereum development progress will still be only about 55% complete, compared to 40% at the current state. Followed by Surge, there will be Verge, Plurge, and Splurge, which are actually key parts of Ethereum scaling, cleaning, and evolution.

This phase of The Surge will introduce sharding. Vitalik noted that once The Surge is complete, the Ethereum network will be able to speed up the processing of transactions.

“Current Ethereum can handle about 15-20 transactions per second. This Ethereum will include Rollup, Sharding, etc… It will be able to handle 100,000 transactions per second.” ……

MergeClub Will Launch More NFT Project

That means, The Merge is only the beginning of the upgrade of Ethereum, and the real completion of the upgrade will face unpredictable and countless difficulties and troubles. However, in order to seize the 7 billion-dollar market of the Metaverse and the huge opportunities of Web 3.0, Ethereum has to carry out a high difficulty and high intensity self-upgrade plan.

Therefore, everyone has good reasons to believe that the MergeClub, as an important supporting organization for the ecological upgrade of Ethereum, will also assist Ethereum in its attempts in the metaverse, Web 3.0, NFT, DID, and various fields.

Next, we can expect more actions taken from the MergeClub.

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