Big News for VeChain: VeCarbon has received highest level of protection

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  • The “Class III protection” certification will allow VeChain to operate on a national scale to cater to real carbon management application scenarios.
  • The Amazon Web Services will provide large-scale storage and analytics solutions required by VeChain.

VeCarbon, the carbon management SaaS system developed by Shanghai Tanlian Technology Co. Ltd. successfully cleared the national information system security level protection assessment. With this, VeCarbon has secured financial-level information security and data protection level.

This will allow customers to enjoy carbon management services in a more secure manner. The “Class III protection” is the highest level of certification offered to non-banking institutions. As VeCarbon becomes the high-quality service provider of the carbon management SaaS industry, it will cater to real carbon management application scenarios. It will also work on integrating green low-carbon and digital industry development with data technology. The official announcement noted:

Shanghai Tanlian has obtained the authoritative certification issued by the Ministry of Public Security this time, and has reached the third-level certification standards for national information level protection in terms of network security, data security, system management capabilities and emergency protection, and its information security management capabilities are subject to national information security supervision, highly recognized by the department.

VeCarbon leverages the power of blockchain technology to build carbon-neutral digital infrastructure. It also provides trusted carbon emission MRV solutions. It also has a professional management team with experience in providing carbon asset management services for governments, enterprises, factories, and much more.

Partnering with Amazon Web Services

As the carbon management SaaS platform VeCarbon will be generating large amounts of data, as a result of which it will require large-scale storage and analytics solutions. Thus, VeChian has joined hands with Amazon Web Services which will become its technical partner.

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VeChain will leverage AWS’s technical guidance and established, robust cloud service platform to deliver the scale, security, and analytical capability required to deliver a national-scale carbon management platform.

VeCarbon has significant challenges with building a national-scale SaaS service encapsulating diversified business sectors such as IoT, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and others. The first major need is computing power.

This is because carbon querying and other similar products require big calculations. Thus, it demands versatile computing and processing abilities. Gong Diyun, Executive Director of Shanghai Tanlian’s business strategy explained:

Enterprise customers attach great importance to the privacy and security of data. While helping these customers analyze carbon data, we also need to protect the customer’s information security.

Also, carbon management services require powerful and effective analytics to transform them into valuable business insights. AWS is a renowned player in the market that can cater to these requirements. Gong Diyun added:

AWS’s approach to carbon neutrality aligns well with our development philosophy, including the use of renewable energy in cloud infrastructure and efforts to help customers calculate the environmental impact of workloads on the cloud through the launch of a carbon footprint tool.

AWS’ research in the field of low-carbon technology has always held a leading position in the world. We firmly believe that cooperation with AWS can better improve the level of domestic carbon-neutral technology services.