Wall Street, “Occupied” by the Romanians behind Crypto.ro

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The Crypto.ro team from Romania went to the financial center of Wall Street in New York to film content for the Crypto.ro Academy, an educational platform about blockchain technology and crypto assets.

The financial education platform will debut on October 11 and will give participants the opportunity to learn about cryptocurrencies.

On Wall Street, the Romanians received the green light to film for an hour in front of the New York Stock Exchange, near the famous “Charging Bull” , the symbol of aggressive financial optimism and prosperity.

The location was chosen on purpose, as Alex Numeris, the founder and CEO of Crypto.ro, believes that the cryptocurrency market will continue its rise after the necessary correction period it is going through.

“Right now the market is going through a classic, healthy correction, which offers one of the last opportunities to make life-changing investments. I take this opportunity to accumulate Bitcoin again,” said Alex Numeris.

Other locations in New York where the team filmed were the Solana store and Web 3 Gallery.The Romanians also went to Miami, where they visited the sports and entertainment FTX Arena. The recordings will be integrated into the modules of the Crypto.ro Academy.
Filming was also done in the United Arab Emirates, Italy and Romania.

Enrollment in the Academy can be done on the official website academy.crypto.ro.

Online courses, in English and Romanian, which can be accessed anytime and from anywhere

The Academy courses will be held online, in both English and Romanian, and participants will have access to modules, which they can access at any time, covering a wide range of themes and topics, from blockchain, crypto gaming, metaverse, NFTs or cryptocurrencies.

Members of the Crypto.ro Academy can also get access to future events organized by Crypto.ro, including an important conference that will take place every year.

At the same time, the members will have access to the crypto.ro private community where they will be able to receive support from experienced investors in the space, including Alex Numeris.

Cryptocurrencies have changed the life of Alex Numeris, who says he was “born and raised poor” but became a millionaire using “the power of cryptocurrencies.”

Now, the entrepreneur wants to contribute to the crypto adoption worldwide.