Simple Google Search Can Now Show Ethereum Wallet Balances

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In addition to this, Google has partnered with Coinbase and will allow its Cloud services customers to make payments in cryptocurrencies.

As more searches related to digital assets get common, tech giant Google is also refining its search engine. A simple Google search can now provide data directly about Ethereum addresses.

Whenever one pastes the Ethereum address in the Google search bar, its ETH balance will be displayed. Google currently fetches this data from Ethereum block explorer Etherscan. So far, this feature is only available for Ethereum addresses and not for Bitcoin addresses.

Han Hua, a crypto-focused principal investor at Google Ventures, was the first to spot this development.

As said, Google has been offering more information about crypto interactions in recent times. Ahead of the Ethereum Merge upgrade, Google was offering a countdown to the event.

Google to Allow Cloud Payments with Crypto

Tech giant Google said that it would start allowing some customers of its cloud services to make payments in digital currencies by early 2023. However, to make this possible, Google would rely on the crypto exchange Coinbase.

During the announcement at Google’s Cloud Next conference, Google called it “a new, long-term strategic partnership to better serve the growing Web3 ecosystem and its developers”.

As part of the agreement, Coinbase will also leverage Google Cloud to build its advanced exchange. It will also help them grow data services and process blockchain data at a scale. Additionally, the exchange will leverage Google’s fiber-optic network for enhancing the global reach of its crypto services.

Furthermore, Coinbase also mentioned that it will leverage the Google Cloud infrastructure to leverage the tech giant’s data and analytics technologies. This will help Coinbase offer its customers some machine learning-driven crypto insights.

Coinbase’s previous cloud infrastructure partner has been Amazon Web Services. Jim Migdal, Coinbase’s VP of business development said that they have been in discussion with Google for a while for supporting commerce transactions, cloud usage, and Prime services. Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong commented:

“We are excited Google Cloud has selected Coinbase to help bring Web3 to a new set of users and provide powerful solutions to developers … With more than 100 million verified users and 14,500 institutional clients, Coinbase has spent more than a decade building industry-leading products on top of blockchain technology.”

Read other crypto news on Coinspeaker.

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Bhushan Akolkar

Bhushan is a FinTech enthusiast and holds a good flair in understanding financial markets. His interest in economics and finance draw his attention towards the new emerging Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency markets. He is continuously in a learning process and keeps himself motivated by sharing his acquired knowledge. In free time he reads thriller fictions novels and sometimes explore his culinary skills.