F3 Club: Combination of Best Football and Blockchain Experiences

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The ultimate vision of the team behind the project is to lead F3-DAO, starting with football and continuously extending the peripheral industries to gradually integrate mainstream global sports such as basketball, rugby, and E-sports.

As one of the most influential and attractive sports events in the world, football has attracted countless fans and fans to participate in it. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 1 billion players and 3.5 billion fans worldwide, making it the world’s largest population base. The football project has led to a boom in the surrounding industries, which are an important part of the world economy. Unfortunately, however, the football industry is often in an awkward position under the pressure of capital. In the case of competitive sports, for example, fans and players have become fearful of the untold number of untoward sports games, such as match-fixing, black whistle refereeing, and manipulation by bookmakers; the frequency of platform closures and runaways has led to more fans not daring to participate more deeply in the carnival and not experiencing the surprises and benefits brought by competitive sports.

Based on the above, a group of enthusiastic and loyal fans wants to build an F3-DAO through blockchain technology, where everyone can participate and govern together. Herein, everyone can be not only a community participant but also a builder and developer. Herein, everyone has the right to vote and make decisions, to open or participate in the guessing section of sports events, to launch various kinds of guessing activities, to collect and redeem NFTs of football stars freely, and to get more benefits by pledging tokens. It is a polymer that combines various sports information, entertainment, and events in one place. Not only does each member have a diverse digital identity, but each player has the flexibility to switch between them. Everyone who loves football will become a genuine fan by being rewarded for their community contributions.

At the same time, the ultimate vision of the team behind the project is to lead F3-DAO, starting with football and continuously extending the peripheral industries to gradually integrate mainstream global sports such as basketball, rugby, and E-sports. With Web3.0 and DAO community as the driving force, the team will eventually build a digital ecology and fan economy with a community GDP that ranks among the top in the world.

At this point in time, it is a very appropriate opportunity to launch the F3 Club product. F3 FoMo ball is not only an Innovative Lottery that has lots of novel ways to play but also combines with Block-Chain and the smart contract code will be audited by FANSEC.

The World Cup is coming, and due to the economic environment in recent years,  this event will be an outlet for people to vent. The F3 DAPP will be the traffic outlet for this worldwide carnival and it will be able to meet the requirements of various types of people at the same time. If you are a LOTTERY GUY, you will find that our app is more convenient and interesting with the fairest platform and the largest bonus pool. If you are a CRYPTO MAN, you can look at our product as FOMO 3D + PEOPLE DAO + WORLD CUP LOTTERY. Both cryptocurrency and non-currency communities, fans and non-fans alike will be satisfied with the F3 Club and experience the World Cup together. So, this is a great and innovative product that brings happiness and wealth to all participants, and during the process, true passionate football fans will find the best community to belong to.

Don’t hesitate any longer. Whether you love football or blockchain, you’ll find your own treasure at F3 Club.

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Andy Watson

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