The Graph readies for decentralization with new Subgraph hosted service launch

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Chainstack Launches Hosted Service for Subgraphs

Blockchain data provider Chainstack has launched a new service for collections of Web3 data known as “subgraphs”. Called “Chainstack Subgraphs,” the service provides a convenient way for subgraph developers to migrate their APIs off the old The Graph hosted service. This announcement comes after subgraph protocol developer The Graph stated in June that it would be shutting down its hosted service in favor of a decentralized network.

What are Subgraphs?

Subgraphs are application programming interfaces (APIs) that query blockchains for data and sort it in particular ways. They are open-source, so once someone in the community creates a subgraph, it can be used by anyone. Subgraphs became widely used by developers after the launch of The Graph Network in 2020. The original incarnation of The Graph (GRT) featured some centralized elements, including a free hosted service provided by the developer. However, The Graph team announced that it would eventually require creators to migrate their subgraphs to the decentralized network instead and will shut down the hosted service.

Chainstack Subgraphs Benefits

Chainstack Subgraphs provides three main benefits to users compared to the decentralized network. First, it provides transparent pricing in fiat currency instead of the GRT token. Second, it integrates many blockchain networks instead of just a few. And third, it makes it easy for mid-tier or small-tier subgraphs to get indexed and discovered, whereas this would be more difficult if they posted directly to The Graph. In a conversation with Cointelegraph, Chainstack chief technology officer Eugene Aseev said that Chainstack does not see itself as a competitor to The Graph and GRT token. Instead, he explained that they are “huge proponents of decentralization” and they love The Graph. Once they launch the service, onboard customers, and make sure it works well, they will also be participants of The Graph network because they also want to be part of this movement.

Future of The Graph Hosted Service

The Graph team has warned users not to panic after announcing that the hosted service will be sunsetted. The official docs for the network stated that “Hosted Service will not be shut down soon.” Instead, it will only be shut down “Once we reach feature parity with the decentralized network.” However, some developers have expressed concern that not all subgraphs are available on the decentralized network, while others have argued that the decentralized service may be too expensive.

The Graph team has assured users that the hosted service will not be shut down soon and that they will only do so once they have reached feature parity with the decentralized network. However, some developers have expressed concern that not all subgraphs are available on the decentralized network, and others have argued that the decentralized service may be too expensive.


Chainstack Subgraphs launch comes at a time when subgraph protocol developer The Graph is preparing for decentralization. Chainstack aims to provide a convenient way for subgraph developers to migrate their APIs off the old The Graph hosted service. It also offers a transparent pricing model and supports many blockchain networks, making it a favorable option for subgraph developers. Although The Graph team has warned users not to panic, some developers have expressed concerns that not all subgraphs are available on the decentralized network, while others have argued that the decentralized service may be too expensive.

In conclusion, the launch of Chainstack Subgraphs provides a viable alternative for subgraph developers who are looking for a hosted service for their APIs. The move towards decentralization by The Graph has opened up opportunities for companies like Chainstack to offer their own services.