Channel Tools Integrates Data Verification and Proof Solutions from Evident Proof

Evident Proof

Evident Proof is a blockchain-based project driven by ex-Microsoft employees and senior advisors currently within Microsoft. The platform offers a 100% irrefutable digital solution for individuals, businesses, and leaders of enterprises.

January 6th 2022, Evident Proof will be listing its Evident Proof Transaction Token (EPTT) on, a trusted global exchange. Existing and future Clients will be able to purchase the native utility token anytime, anywhere.

Evidence proof has forged a strategic partnership with Channel Tools to integrate new data verification and proof services to the Integrit mobile app.

Integrit is a powerful B2B mobile engagement platform developed by Channel Tools to help organizations seamlessly share all relevant product and promotional info, presentations, sales data, and news updates with customers and partners.

What Problem Does The Partnership Solve?

Channel Tools has long sought a reliable, non-disruptive technology that produces undisputable data. The UK-based firm often encounters disputes over deal registrations and other business activities that adversely affect day-to-day operations and relationships between partners.

Channel Tools opted to integrate Evident Proof’s blockchain-based data solution to create unchangeable stores of all business data shared with other parties. Integrit uses the Evidence Proof plug-and-play service to store sensitive information on an unhackable blockchain.

Should disputes ever arise between business partners, Channel Tools can output 100% irrefutable evidence from the Evident Proof platform at the press of a button. The irrefutable documentation serves as a perfect source of trust and proof that is vital for dispute resolution.

This functionality is key in a world where immutable data verification is a business imperative; it allows Channel Tools to demonstrate clear transparency on all dealings with third parties independently.

The move by Channel Tools to integrate immutable data verification services on its mobile engagement platform carries many benefits. The Evident Proof solution enables organizations to use Integrit to deliver compliance, enhance risk management measures, and instantly produce event verification.

The partnership allows Channel Tools to offer clients smart solutions that empower them to store information immutably on the blockchain and instantly produce a court-ready proof certificate. As a result, the Channel Tools platform can extend its reach to multiple sectors, including finance, manufacturing, legal, and more.

For Evident Proof, the collaboration shines the spotlight on their platform as a leader in delivering value-added blockchain data services to multiple sectors.

The data proof services provider aims to collaborate with Channel Tools to extend the channel for its innovative data solutions platform. It leverages the partnership to develop further tech that empowers it to broaden the delivery of immutable data verification and proof services to multiple organizations.

Evident Proof has a unique opportunity to develop a truly connected digital solution that enables more startups to convert their databases into unhackable, unchangeable proof. By tapping into the endorsement and support of Channel Tools, the UK-based data security firm can expand its plug-and-play data integrity solution to many more business clients.

Evident Proof: An Immutable Data Integrity Solution

Evident Proof offers an immutable proof solution that helps boost the efficiency of organizations by solving severe issues plaguing traditional databases, such as data alterations and internal system errors. These shortcomings cast doubt on the integrity of workflows activities, transactions, employee details, and other business data.

Evident Proof solutions present a new way for organizations to evade legal trouble and ensure smooth operations by empowering businesses to provide tamper-proof verification for all events.

The data security firm also allows CTOs to protect data integrity and prove compliance with emerging data regulations in Civil and Criminal Courts and tribunals. The UK-based team is eyeing the lucrative data marketplace, which is set to reach a Security Market data size of $54.23 billion by, per a Markets and Markets data report.

Evident Proof aims to secure this lucrative market for the most valuable global asset – Data. It also seeks to offer a unique hybrid solution consisting of first-class services and real token utility with a sustainable economic model. To learn more about Evident Proof and its upcoming EPTT token, check out their website page.

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