Recovered: Hacked YouTube Channel Attempting XRP Crypto Scams with the Assistance of YouTube

Recovered: Hacked YouTube Channel Attempting XRP Crypto Scams with the Assistance of YouTube

YouTube Helps Recover Hacked Channel Attempting XRP Crypto Scams

Prominent YouTuber DidYouKnowGaming recently experienced a hack on his YouTube channel where the attacker attempted to promote XRP cryptocurrency scams. The attacker changed the profile and cover images of the channel to Ripple’s logo.

However, YouTube was able to intervene swiftly and prevent the hacker from interacting with the channel’s subscribers, thereby mitigating any damage caused by the attack.

It is not known how the hacker gained access to the YouTube account, but the victim YouTubers were able to recover their accounts and any deleted videos. This underscores the importance of securing online accounts and using strong passwords.

Crypto investors need to be wary of the rise of deepfakes, which are fake impersonation videos generated by AI tools. Hackers often create deepfakes of high-profile individuals like Elon Musk to misguide crypto investors.

Chinese tech giant Tencent has also launched a new deepfakes creation tool that allows users to impersonate anyone for a fee of 1,000 yuan ($145). The tool will be used by Tencent to host live-streamed infomercials for the Chinese demographic.

YouTube is an essential platform for crypto investors to learn about cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and Web3. To assist investors and enthusiasts with their research, we recommend checking out these five YouTube channels:

  • Boxmining
  • Coin Bureau
  • CoinDesk
  • DataDash
  • Ivan on Tech