UK Government Implements Ban on Cold Calls for Cryptocurrency to Combat Fraudsters

UK Government Implements Ban on Cold Calls for Cryptocurrency to Combat Fraudsters

UK Government to Introduce Laws to Tackle Crypto Fraud and Ban Cold Calls Selling Financial Products

The United Kingdom government is taking significant steps to address the growing menace of financial fraud, including crypto-related fraud. It has pledged to introduce new laws to reimburse victims of authorized crypto fraud and work with Ofcom to prevent phone number “spoofing.” Here are some key highlights of the government’s plan:

Ban on Cold Calls Selling Financial Products

The UK government is set to ban cold calls selling financial products, including insurance and cryptocurrencies, in order to crack down on fraud. The National Crime Agency estimates that fraud costs the country approximately £7 billion ($8.7 billion) annually.

New Fraud Strategy and Technology

The UK government has announced its new fraud strategy, pledging 400 new jobs to update its approach to intelligence-led policing. The government will work alongside the telecoms regulator, the Office of Communications, commonly known as Ofcom, to use new technology to counter phone number “spoofing,” which would prevent fraudsters from impersonating legitimate UK phone numbers.

Reimbursement for Victims of Crypto Fraud

Wire fraud is now the most prevalent crime in the UK, with 1 in 15 people falling victim to it, according to Bloomberg. To ensure that more victims of fraud get their money back, the government aims to introduce laws that require financial institutions to reimburse victims of authorized fraud.

Lenient Regulations and Organized Crime

A report published on January 29 by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism and the Observer shows that organized crime syndicates are utilizing the UK as their operational base owing to the region’s “lenient regulations.” Registering a company in the UK costs as little as 12 British pounds ($14.85). It requires no form of identification, making it easy for fraudulent companies to register there and gain sham credibility.

Clampdown on Crypto Companies

The UK government has been trying to clamp down on cryptocurrency companies operating in the region. The UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) mandated that all companies engaged in crypto asset activity register with it per the existing Financial Services and Markets Act rules for the digital assets market. However, the FCA has adopted a strict approach to granting approvals, leading to several crypto-related businesses operating as unregistered entities. The regulator appears to be striving to balance providing a secure environment for investors and promoting innovation in the industry.

Fighting Fraudsters

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak reportedly said in a statement that scammers “ruin lives in seconds, deceiving people in the most despicable ways in order to line their pockets.” He pledged to fight these fraudsters wherever they attempt to hide. The government also promised to put an end to methods commonly used by scammers to reach thousands of people at once, such as “SIM farms.” The use of mass-texting services will also be reviewed to prevent these technologies from falling into the hands of criminals. In conclusion, the UK government’s measures against financial fraud are aimed at protecting the citizens and promoting a secure environment for investors. It is a proactive step in addressing the growing concern of financial fraud in the country.