We Burn We Rise Episode Eight: Community Spotlight and Industry Insights

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In its eighth episode, the podcast We Burn We Rise continues to offer valuable insights into the blockchain and crypto world. Hosted by Spazzitron McGee, Hyperion, and Rxbbn, this episode brings back familiar guests and introduces voices from the community, creating a rich tapestry of discussions and updates.

The Hosts and Their Engaging Style

Spazzitron McGee, Hyperion, and Rxbbn are known for their dynamic hosting style, which combines deep knowledge of blockchain with a friendly and engaging approach, making complex topics accessible to a broad audience.

Special Guests and Community Voices

Industry Leaders Return

Dustin, the founder of Kronic Katz and Kronic Labz, along with Michael from Cobalt Lend, revisit the podcast to provide updates on their ongoing projects and new ventures in the blockchain space.

A New Addition: Community Voices

The episode also features parts of the podcast’s moderator team and core community members—Rob, Ravi, Totem, Zero, and a snippet from Fluffy—each sharing their perspectives and experiences, enhancing the community feel of the podcast.

Key Topics and Discussions

Updates from Kronic Katz and Cobalt Lend

Dustin and Michael discuss the latest developments in their projects, offering listeners exclusive insights into the strategies and technologies driving their success.

Community Engagement and Insights

The inclusion of the mod team and core members provides a unique view into the internal dynamics and community engagement strategies of the Phoenix Blockchain, showcasing the human element behind the technology.

Additional Resources and Exploration

Listeners interested in learning more can explore the following resources:

  • Kronic Katz provides detailed information about minting and project updates on their website.
  • Cobalt Lend offers insights into their innovative lending solutions at https://cobaltlend.com/.
  • The Phoenix Blockchain continues to be a cornerstone of innovation, with more information available at https://www.phoenixblockchain.org.


Episode eight of We Burn We Rise enriches its audience with a blend of expert analysis and community engagement, highlighting the collaborative spirit of the blockchain community. The podcast remains an essential listening experience for those interested in the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.


The podcast is enhanced by the expert editing and creative inputs of PhoenixPhire, ensuring each episode is informative, engaging, and polished.