AMA Recap

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Polygon_Daily Admin hosts #art #PolygonDaily #Polygon

Polygon_Daily Admin: Good day Carlos. Welcome to the Polygon daily community, how are you doing?

Carlos: Hello everyone! It’s nice to be here with you 🙂

Polygon_Daily Admin: It’s nice to have you here with us also! Ready for our AMA?

Carlos: Yes!

Polygon_Daily Admin: Fantastic.

Q1: What is all about? In addition, why did you decide to build the project?

Carlos: is a hybrid between Marketplace / Gallery that has its own Metaverse aimed at professional artists.

I decided to set up because I knew that blockchain could solve the problem that has existed in digital art since the beginning of the internet.

The problem was that it was very difficult for digital artists to generate a monetary return on their work.

I am a developer and passionate about blockchain technology and I also studied Fine Arts in Spain.

Polygon_Daily Admin: Ok so has the mission to provide the artists with a steady income for their creation, is that correct? It sure is a problem for most NFTs nowadays. they said it’s gonna bring the money to the artists, but still, most NFTs are sold with a huge amount of money but the artists do not share any of it

Carlos: Yes, of course, but we integrate all people from the Art Market: curators, gallery owners, crytics, investors and collectors.

Q2: Who are the brilliant minds behind the project? Please summarize the main member’s experience for the audience.

Carlos: Carlos Yanes – CEO, Co-founder. Blockchain developer & believer.

Alex García – Creative Director, Co-founder. Art Director & Designer.

Lars Neubert – PR & Artist’s Liaison. Producer & Writer.

Teresa López-Dóriga – Artist & Curatorship Manager.

Sofiene Laouini – Fullstack Developer.

Alexander Grimm – 3D Artist.

Pepa Catalá – Junior designer.

That is all.

Q3: How is different from other marketplaces?

Carlos: is a curated art platform with its own metaverse.

We select and take responsibility for the artists who mint NFTs on our platform.

We also accommodate all the professions that make up the art world: art critics, gallerists, artists, curators, collectors and investors.

Polygon_Daily Admin: So what you’re saying is diversity in the is what sets it apart from other marketplaces?

Carlos: First of all, as I just said, having your own metaverse is something different compared to other platforms.

Secondly, if we manage to integrate into the market more people who add value to the artistic pieces.

As for example the figure of the curator and critic, to give value to something in Art it is necessary a small consensus, that is the work in part of the historians and critics.

They also receive a fee for the sales of NFTs that occur.

BPolygon_Daily Admin: Thanks for clearing that up Carlos.

Carlos: Thanks to you!

Q4: Let’s move on to your token: $ART. What applications/use cases does $ART have? And can you share the tokenomics with us?

Carlos: Yes Daley, is a new project at a very early stage of investment!

We expect the ART token to multiply in value by 2022, as we are currently only about 60 holders.

The total supply and circulating supply is only: 40.000 ART.

**To marketing and equipment maintenance we deposit about 16% (6,641 ART).

Current market cap: approx. 144,000 $. is a project that is heading towards decentralisation. Buying ART tokens is the way for anyone interested in the project to invest and be part of it. You can stake your ARTs to receive a proportional share of 5% of all transactions that take place in the primary and secondary market, both artworks and Metaverso spaces.

Q5: How is the Metaverse of What will develop in the Metaverse and how will the people join?

Carlos: The metaverse consists of 999 spaces.

By contract, no more of these spaces can ever be generated. We currently have 7 spaces for sale:

Check in this link!

In the metaverse spaces, collectors can display their NFTs whether they are Ethereum or Polygon and share them with the rest of the world in our metaverse.

During 2022 we will be unveiling all the new customisation capabilities that space owners will have, and it is important to say that they will be able to generate income simply by holding the spaces.

We will put them on sale during 2022, each space is unique and we generate it together with our 3D artist. Some spaces are also developed by artists of

Q6: So does currently cooperate with any major backers or influencers? Can you tell us anything about your future marketing plans?

Carlos: 2022 will be the take-off year for we are talking to more than 10 influencers of Crypto, NFT, who will support the project as ambassadors.

We also have big plans, in 2022 we expect to be listed in CG and CMC and we are talking to general and crypto media to appear in as many publications as possible.

Q7: How is the authenticity of’s works guaranteed? Does it have any copyright systems?

Carlos: Yes, The authenticity of the works is very important to us. We are always in close contact with the artists, with whom we communicate by video call or even meet physically on some occasions. This ensures the origin of all artworks that are minted on

Q8: What can we expect in the year 2022?

Carlos: 2022 will be a great year for!

Starting in February we will be holding 2 to 4 exhibitions per month. The metaverse will see endless possibilities with the launch of the world and the capabilities of interaction, customisation and avatar management.

On the other hand, we have just got in touch with Polygon Studios to take advantage of a great partnership with them.

Q9: Where can we find out more about

Carlos: Easy. To everybody! You need to join our telegram group, if you want us to select your question:


Also, if you want to follow us on our social media, we will do a great giveaway next week through Twitter and Discord.



And this is our website & Instagram:



Polygon_Daily Admin: If you have any questions, please go to their official social media sites! Thank you so much for being here with the Polygon Daily community. We wish art army a wonderful 2022.

Carlos: Thanks, and Happy new year to all!

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