From Goerli to Sepolia: Advancements in Base’s Testnet Infrastructure


Base’s Testnet Migration: Goerli to Sepolia

Base is undergoing a strategic migration of our test network from Goerli to Sepolia. This transition represents more than just a technical shift; it signifies a step forward in creating a more cohesive ecosystem.

Why the Move to Sepolia?

  • Aligning with Optimism: Both Optimism and Base share a vision for a future powered by superchains. Moving to Sepolia enhances our alignment with Optimism, fostering a more integrated ecosystem.
  • Supporting App Development: Sepolia provides an environment optimized for app development, which directly supports our testnet’s core purpose.

Goodbye Goerli, Welcome Sepolia

Base will maintain both Goerli and Sepolia testnets concurrently from mid-October until January 2024. Following this period, Sepolia will become the primary testnet for Base.

We are enthusiastic about the new opportunities this testnet transition presents. The move to Sepolia signifies a significant milestone in our journey towards a more cohesive ecosystem. It opens up fresh avenues for collaboration with Optimism, app developers, and our broader community of builders.