Unveiling Base’s Contract and Frontend Open Source Initiative


Why We’re Building in the Open

One of Base’s core values is building in the open. We believe this is foundational to building an onchain ecosystem because it creates accountability and enables collaboration.

By sharing our work openly, we enable the community to track our progress and ensure that we’re living up to our commitments. This transparency also serves as a catalyst for collaboration, as it allows developers to tap into our knowledge base, building upon and refining what’s already in place. Further, it provides a channel for valuable community feedback, whether it’s about improving documentation or spotting an overlooked bug.

Increasing Transparency with our Smart Contract Repos

We’ve open sourced our smart contract repos to provide developers with increased transparency around Base’s contract development, deployment, and upgrade process.

  • All contracts and scripts for Base are publicly available on GitHub.
  • For detailed information regarding incident responses, upgrades, contract deployments and calls, and one-off deployments, visit our GitHub repository.
  • We are committed to transparent key management practices, which include details on our multisig and challenger key setup, ensuring thorough documentation and review processes.
  • Each onchain action is preserved and organized under specific directories, making actions reproducible and showing the evolution of our processes over time.

If you’re a builder, we encourage you to check out our smart contracts and codebase, and submit a Git issue with any feedback.

If you’re security-minded and spot a security issue, our HackerOne bounty program covers the Base network, with bounty payouts of up to $1,000,000.

Open Sourcing our Web Repos

We’ve open sourced all of Base’s web properties, including base.org, docs.base.org, and bridge.base.org, to increase transparency and invite developer contributions.

  • Visit our GitHub repository to explore our code and provide feedback.
  • On bridge.base.org, you can see code related to deposits and withdrawals from Base, offering insights for similar projects and opportunities to contribute.

If you have any feedback or ideas for improvement on our code, please open an issue on the respective repository.

Building Onchain, Together

Open source is essential for our onchain future. It grants builders access to valuable knowledge, facilitates improvements, and inspires innovation across the ecosystem. Through collaboration and transparency, we are poised to achieve our ambitious goal: bringing the next billion people onto the blockchain.

We appreciate the contributions of all builders who are helping us grow and secure the ecosystem.
