Renowned Global Advisor Ran Neu-Ner Joins FANTOM

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Renowned Global Advisor Ran Neu-Ner Joins FANTOM

In the field of cryptocurrency, the success factors of all projects vary drastically. One factor that appears in all successful projects, however, is recognition from influential individuals. Recognition from people like Ran Neu-Ner, one of the most influential figures in the world of cryptocurrency.

Did you catch our announcement last week? We revealed that Ran Neu-Ner has joined FANTOM’s advisory board!

Ran is ranked number 9 in The 100 Most Influential Blockchain People list by Richtopia. The top 10 are:

  • Vitalik Buterin
  • Joseph Lubin
  • Don Tapscott
  • Max Keiser
  • Marc Andreessen
  • Gilles Babinet
  • Tim Draper
  • Jim Marous
  • Ran Neu-Ner
  • Thomas Power

If you didn’t know Ran before, now you know what it means to be number 9 on that list.

About Ran Neu-Ner

Ran is the host of CNBC Crypto Trader, the only show on broadcast television that focuses on cryptocurrencies. He is also the founder of OnChain Capital and co-founder of The Creative Counsel. OnChain Capital is a leading Crypto Asset Fund and Advisory Service, while The Creative Counsel is one of South Africa’s largest advertising agencies. Additionally, he is a member of the Young Presidents Organization, a global network of successful CEOs.

At the age of 26, Ran co-founded The Creative Counsel, which grew to become one of the best activations agencies in South Africa with an annual turnover of $150 million USD. He sold The Creative Counsel to a French-owned international business, The Publicis Groupe, for over $150 million USD. It was the biggest agency deal ever.

Ran has extensive experience in the cryptocurrency industry with over 5 years of advising and involvement in successful global cryptocurrency projects. He was awarded “Business Leader of the Year” at the National Business Awards in 2016, “The Ultimate Entrepreneur Award” at the World Entrepreneur Awards in 2016, and “Industry Leaders Award” from Adfocus in 2015, among others.

Ran Neu-Ner’s Vision

In an interview at Successness, Ran stated, “Everything I am involved in must be BRILLIANT. You have one reputation and I am determined to make sure that mine is never tarnished by mediocrity! It’s Brilliance or Nothing!”

So, it was a very significant moment when Ran decided to join FANTOM’s advisory board, as it meant that he recognizes FANTOM as something that has the potential to become brilliant.

One of the reasons FANTOM is ecstatic about having Ran on our advisory board is that his views align with FANTOM’s goal to go beyond what is available, to make a positive difference in this world. Ran stated,

“I define success as the number of people’s lives that I can positively touch! Whether directly or indirectly, one can only measure true success by gauging the legacy his actions leave on other people.”