HakuSwap AMA Recap

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BSCDaily.com hosts AMA with HakuSwap. #HakuSwap #AVAXDaily #AVAX #BSC #BSCDaily

BSCDaily Admin: Hello and welcome Hakusan from the HakuSwap project! How are you doing today?

Hakusan: Hello Hello! Doing great, so happy to be here and VERY excited for the launch of our HAKU token sale in a few hours!

BSCDaily Admin: You don’t say! We are looking forward to it! And I think the people are also excited for this AMA

Are you ready to start it now?

Hakusan: I’m ready 🗻

Q1: What is HakuSwap all about? Please introduce us to the idea behind this project.

Hakusan: Hakuswap is a brand new DEX AMM on the Avalanche Blockchain!

We offer the lowest fees with the highest possible APRS! We have the best features to ensure our community has a great experience with swapping and earning at Hakuswap.com!

Our exchange combines the best features from Pancakeswap, Spookyswap, and Trader Joe to give investors low fee swaps, fee sharing with our xHAKU staking pool, NFTs, Metaverse, Virtual Real Estate, NFT staking, and more!

Q2: Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your team? What are your past experiences?

Hakusan: Our team consists of highly experienced crypto developers, marketers, business developers, copy writers, and designers and community managers.

We have 3 full time developers building the dex, and implementing all of the code to ensure the swapping experience is perfect.

Our marketing team has worked at a number of the top crypto projects and will be pushing out some great social activity.

Overall our team is strong and will help lead Hakuswap to become one of the top Dexes on Avalanche!

My Role within the project is the CEO and Founder of HakuSwap. I have an extensive background in Finance, Entrepreneurship, and Team Building, having worked on many defi projects prior to HakuSwap creating tens of millions in value for token holders.

All of our team have worked on a number of projects in the past. 🚀 We know how to build safe and high yielding investments for the Defi community.

BSCDaily Admin: Could you tell us a bit about the projects that you have worked on in the past? A little follow up question if you don’t mind

Hakusan: Overall the team has worked with & consulted with CafeSwap,Crystl Finance, Twinci, Duel Network, Depo , SolChicks, Alchemy, Kebab Finance, LZ Finance, Treasurekey, Chainlink, PolyCat Polygon, JetSwap,Heron, BloXroute Labs, Ontology, OwlDAO, Beefy Finance. AutoFarm, Kalata, PolyDoge, Fortess Loans, Jetfuel Finance, and Fastyield.

Some have been short term assignments and others have been there since the creation of the idea to deployment and ongoing maintenance of the protocol.

Q3:  Let’s dive into your tokens $HAKU. I know that you’re about to have a $HAKU sale on Jan 17th. Please walk us through this huge event. How can we buy it?

Hakusan: The HAKU token comes to Avalanche on January 17th at 5 PM UTC ONLY at the Hakuswap.com Token Sale Launchpad!

Sale Price: $0.40 USDC

Raised in USDC

Per Wallet Cap: $5000

1,250,000 HAKU for Sale (1.25% of HAKU)

$500,000 USDC Hard Cap

First Come First Serve (FCFS)

The sale is open for 12 hours or until sold out.

$500,000 initial HAKU-AVAX liquidity

Get ready for the $HAKU token sale here: https://hakuswap.com/iho

The HAKU from the sale vests immediately and will be tradable soon after the sale ends. $HAKU farming & emissions goes live on Jan 18th 5 PM UTC

You can also refer to this guide we made  https://hakuswap.medium.com/get-ready-for-the-hakuswap-token-sale-a49f9dc4fe4

Q4: HakuSwap is a DEX with multiple features, but how can you attract users in using your product? Don’t they have other DEXs out there with the same features?

Hakusan: HAKU is the liquidity incentive, governance, and fee sharing token for the Hakuswap.com Dex!

We plan to roll out the following features and all will either use HAKU to complete the transaction or HAKU will earn from the fees associated with the actions.

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✅25% of the DEX trading revenue from the 0.2% swap fee will automatically be shared with HAKU stakers in the xHAKU pool.

✅NFT sales will be in AVAX or HAKU. AVAX sales will be used to buy and share HAKU with xHAKU stakers.

✅ Virtual real estate Land sales will be done with HAKU

✅Governance will use HAKU and xHAKU. You can vote on the future of hakuswap.com using your holdings.

One of the best features at Hakuswap is our staking program called xHAKU. Here HAKU can be staked to xHAKU to earn 25% of all the trading revenue from Hakuswap automatically.

How it works is this: Every time a user trades they are charged a low swap fee of only 0.2%. 0.1% of the swap fee is rewarded back to the liquidity providers, 0.05% of the swap fee is collected for the

Hakuswap Treasury to fund operations, and 0.05% is reserved for xHAKU.

One or 2 times daily the 0.05% from the swap fee is collected and used to market buy HAKU!

This market purchased HAKU is done automatically with our smart contracts

Along with the continuous market purchases of HAKU through the swap fees there is a 30 day waiting period to unstake from xHAKU to HAKU.

You can unstake at any time but if it’s done within 30 days a 4% fee is assessed.

🔥2% of the withdraw is burned

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦2% of the withdraw is shared back with xHAKU

This will incentivize long term xHAKU holding. We envision 70% of the circulating supply to be locked with xHAKU very soon. 🚀

We also have our trade mining feature! This allows you to earn HAKU as a fee rebate to make your trades cost $0 or even get PAID to trade!

Q5: What makes you confidently say that “HakuSwap is the TOP crypto world for users to trade, earn, and game”.

Hakusan: NFTs are the focus of our exchange and we’ll be sure to make it easy for the average user to earn a few free NFTS at Hakuswap!

You can check our road map here: https://docs.hakuswap.com/roadmap. Most of it is NFT related 😉

The Focus of Hakuswap will be to incorporate low fee swaps, high liquidity, nfts & the metaverse. We want to attract all the best play to earn, nft, and metaverse projects on AVAX and beyond to join us.

Our team is hard at work designing a virtual world based in japan which will be available for purchase! You’ll be able to own your own parcel of “Haku Mountain”!

Our first play to earn game is in development and should be released in a few weeks. It’s a battle between the Spiritual Mountain Monks of Mount Haku vs the Dark Valley Ninjas!

Q6: So as far as I understand, anyone can list any AVAX ERC20 token on HakuSwap. How do you protect the people from “scam” projects listing on HakuSwap

Hakusan: Well as a Dex anyone can open a liquidity pool to trade ANY token. However, to be formally listed and promoted on the hakuswap.com domain the project/token needs to apply via our partnership portal.

We are building Hakuswap to be THE dex for NFT and Metaverse project to host their liquidity and be their trading center.

Apply here! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSePw9y_LsviBJTPSMH2rTXfMb4LD7c0TSdtwY1KHZRTgXdJJw/viewform

Q7: What can we expect in the next 3 months and in 2022 as a whole?

Hakusan: As stated here,NFTS will be the focus on the Dex. We plan to be the place for Metaverse and NFT projects to bring their liquidity to trade.

In the next 3 months we plan to release an NFT marketplace, NFT play to earn a game with the Ninjas vs Monks, Start the Land Sale presale, create trader profiles, and much much more!

You can follow our roadmap on our docs page https://docs.hakuswap.com/

Q8: Where can we find out more about HakuSwap?

Hakusan: Please be sure to join our Telegram, Twitter, and follow along on Medium!




BSCDaily Admin: With this we are now at the end of the AMA session with HakuSwap. We wish you the best of luck!

Hakusan: Thank you so much!

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