Digital Enterprise Show 2022 call for speakers now open

Digital Enterprise Show

Digital Enterprise Show 2022 will take place next June 14th to 16th for the first time in Malaga reuniting C-levels with the tech ecosystem to increase the competitiveness and resilience of the entire international business network

DES-Digital Enterprise Show, the leading event on digital transformation for SMEs and Public Administration, opens its call for speakers to celebrate its sixth edition, which will take place from 14 to 16 June 2022 for the first time in Malaga. DES2022 will bring together more than 400 international speakers to present their knowledge, success stories and real applications on how to face the current digitalization challenges, while implementing new businesses models and operations through technology.

Digital Enterprise Show invites experts on digital transformation to take part and lead the conversation, having the opportunity to participate in the specialized agendas of the conference. These are aimed to cover all industrial sectors that need to digitalize: banking and insurance, health, tourism, education, retail and logistics, industry 4.0, smart cities and urban mobility or public sector. Speakers will be able to submit their applications through the official website until April 22, 2022.

In each edition, DES gathers the most renowned  experts on technology, innovation and digital transformation such as George Beebe from the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency –CIA-, Juan Jose Delgado from Amazon, Tom Goodwin from Zenith Media, Nigel Fenwick from Forrester, Mauro Porcini from Pepsico, Leslie Berland from Twitter, Mayur Gupta from Spotify, Aurélie Salvaire from UNICEF, Dorota Zimnoch from Volvo, Terry von Bibra from Alibaba, Laia Prunera from Samsung, Clara Elliott-Bauzá from TikTok, Enrique Jiménez from Philip Morris International, Jens Meggers from CISCO, Philipp Ostermeier from KPMG or Christian Lifländer from NATO. These are just some of the top leaders who have shared their vision with executives of large corporations, SMEs or public administration at DES.

In addition, leading technology firms will be presenting the latest technologies and solutions that are transforming companies and industries such as Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Cloud, IoT, robotics, big data or blockchain, Metaverse, virtual or augmented reality, among many others.

About DES | Digital Enterprise Show (14-16 June 2022, FYCMA, Málaga):

DES-Digital Enterprise Show is an event of Nebext – Next Business Exhibitions in collaboration with Málaga City Council and the Junta de Andalucía. In five editions, it has become the largest European professional event on digital business transformation and one of the global benchmarks that offers senior management the latest technological solutions and products to help large corporations, SMEs and European Public Administrations towards digital transformation. Over 3 days, we combine technology and innovation with digital leadership, technology solutions to improve customer and employee experience, optimisation of operational processes and the identification of new business models, services and products across all industries.

More information:
Juliana Lorenzo, Virginia Manrique, Arantxa Reyes
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: (00 34) 919 551 551

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