Cardashift – The Community-Run Launchpad That Fosters Sustainable Development

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Cardashift is a community-run launchpad that funds, builds, and accelerates startups solving environmental and social issues.


Cardashift empowers changemakers through an ecosystem of products and services anchored by the $CLAP utility token and designed to promote sustainable development in all of its dimensions, including social and environmental. The initiative is being led by three complementary companies with deep expertise in blockchain technology, product design, and acceleration programs: Matters / Smart-Chain / Stim.

Driving Impact Generation

Changemakers face a big problem when they want to reconcile profit with impact generation.

Environmental and social transition risks are becoming more common. Impact entrepreneurs lack, not only the funding but also the right support to maximize their chances of success. Technologies, tools, and networks are needed to tokenize and speed up these impact ventures so they can be profitable investments.

Cardashift aims at raising funds and accelerating these startups. They work very closely with them to help them grow and become more successful. The goal is to build an impact-driven community dedicated to making the world a better place by using blockchain technology and the power of many. Everyone is a stakeholder in Cardashift and has a say in what happens and how it happens.

Cardashift Launchpad: Ambition & Investment Thesis

The launchpad is at the core of the ambition to: 

  • Fund impactful projects 
  • Improve impact assessment and follow up 
  • Provide best-in-class startup support across business, service and design 
  • Identify challenges that can be overcome thanks to new products and/or services underpinned by Cardano’s blockchain 

The launchpad design is driven by an investment thesis based on three key criteria: 

  • Projects with tangible and positive impact 
  • Early-stage 
  • Demonstrable high business potential 

Here are the three stages the projects must move through in order to succeed :

Early-stage projects 

Cardashift is a firm believer that early support and mentoring can significantly increase the success rate of impact projects. Cardashift intends to provide the following assistance:

  1. Assisting with the development of the optimal time-to-market strategy
  2. Using cost-effective and pragmatic methods, validate the project hypothesis
  3. Adopt a problem-first mindset, as opposed to a solution-first mindset, which disregards the target segment, value proposition, and testing methodology
  4. Instil an entrepreneurial mindset from the start 
  5. Create a consistent roadmap that includes all actionable items and minimizes the possibility of delays
  6. Incorporate the design of the token into the business model

High business potential

Cardashift’s team looks for pre-assembled teams that meet the following criteria:

  • Entrepreneurial maturity
  • Alignment with Cardashift’s values
  • Team spirit
  • Solo or in a team
  • Unfair competitive advantages
  • Soft skills
  • Capacity to execute

The analysis does not stop at team potential; it also considers the project’s business potential:

  • State of the market
  • Barriers to entry
  • Target customer
  • Problem: has a specific problem been identified? Is the target сustomer aware of this problem? (Nice to have vs. must-have solution)
  • A simple and clear value proposition

Focus on Tangible and Positive Impact 

The project sought to address environmental and social impacts in a way that was both scientific and simple to comprehend.

Cardashift used the GIIN (McCarthy et al., 2021) and SASB impact taxonomies. These methodologies are scientifically sound but complex, making community understanding difficult. For clarity and simplicity, Cardashift pruned these taxonomies using the filter of vital human needs.

Cardashift also considered its own core competencies and the potential of blockchain for each theme. This last filter helped them narrow the focus to 7 key topics related to basic human needs.

Cardashift wants to address these 7 themes, 7 goals, and 7 emergencies. However, these breakdowns are not set in stone and can be challenged later. The project is excited about incorporating newer futuristic solutions as they emerge.


Tracking your impact footprint is easy with this tool. Transparency and clarity are essential to successfully aligning impact-driven projects with the blockchain ecosystem. Cardashift wants to design simple and efficient decentralization tools. That’s why they spent time creating science-based reading grids, focused on three aspects:

1. Evaluate the solution’s impact (product or service)

2. Identify the project’s potential negative externalities with the project leaders

3. Estimate the project’s potential impact footprint to assess the solution’s rigour and scalability

Impact = (Positive Impact – Negative Externalities)* Scope




Token Details:

Ticker: $CLAP

Standard: Cardano

Total Supply: 1 000 000 000

Token Allocation:

Treasury – 50,9% – 509 000 000 CLAP – 12 months lock and community governance

Team – 15% – 150 000 000 CLAP – 24 months fully locked then 25% every 6 month

Partnerships – 3,05% – 30 500 000 CLAP – Lock, 50% after 6 months & 50% after 12 months

Ambassadors – 2,2% – 22 000 000 CLAP – Lock, 50% after 6 months & 50% after 12 months

Communication – 0,1% – 1 000 000 CLAP – Lock, 50% after 6 months & 50% after 12 months

Token Sold – 27,5% – 275 000 000 CLAP

  • Private Sale (Done) – 7,5%- 75 000 000 CLAP – Lock, 50% after 6 months & 50% after 12 months
  • Flash Sale – 4% – 40 000 000 CLAP 
  • Public Sale – 16%- 160 000 000 CLAP 
  • Liquidity Pool  –  1,25% – 12 500 000 CLAP & 375 000 ADA


Cardashift builds an ecosystem of products and services based on Cardano blockchain technology to foster sustainable development. These upcoming products will allow us to improve our acceleration frameworks, tokenomics and furthermore the projects’ successes. That will make our launchpad more and more competitive, with increasingly powerful digital tools to accelerate selected projects more quickly and efficiently. It will be our unfair advantage, in the long run, compared to accelerators from the classic ecosystem.

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You will find below the different bricks we need to reach this goal. As we are evolving in a fast-moving ecosystem, it remains highly possible that a new product is added along the way or that one of the following bricks is done in partnership with another actor of the Cardano ecosystem. We will focus our creative efforts on building missing tools in the ecosystem. 

Era 1  Develop Tech Enablers 

The objective here is two-fold: 

  • Publish a Launchpad that is accessible to anyone ie. crypto users and non-crypto users (B2C) alike. This will be achieved in two steps: Launchpad v1.0 for crypto enthusiasts, and v2.0 for B2C. 
  • Release key enablers for the community, projects, and Cardashift such as DEX, Staking, Wallet, … 

By the end of 2022, The project will create an ecosystem of products and services that enables projects to secure funding and generate impact at scale. In addition, Cardashift will also enhance the assistance the project offers to the first projects on the Launchpad. 

Era 2 Go Mainstream and develop new products and services

The 2nd era aim is to design and develop new products and services for the B2C while assisting launchpad projects to launch and scale with new financing solutions.

Era 3: Systemic shifts

The goal for the 3rd era is to clear systemic blockages to generate new ecosystems, which are radically different from the existing ones. The teams will deliver strategic insights to guide community efforts.








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