NFT Project ‘Majestic Bears’ – Made By Peter Dennelis

NFT Project Majestic Bears Made By Peter Dennelis




An artist’s dream is to create a piece of art that is appreciated and desired, for Peter Dennelis, this has become a reality. 

Peter is part of a select team that is designing and creating non-fungible tokens or NFTs as they are known by the tech-savvy community. Crypto art is a phenomenon that is here to stay, and it is allowing artists to attain their goal of being globally recognized as artists.

Peter said, “I’ve been hearing about NFT for several months now, on the networks, on TV, on YouTube, I’ve been hearing the word NFT everywhere but without really knowing what it was. Every week we see a new big star who buys a Bored ape and changes his profile picture. So, I was always intrigued by NFT, but it was still something vague for me.”

“A few months ago I went back to Miami to attend the art Basel, which is a contemporary art exhibition that is held every year and I met Julien who is the co-founder of Majestic Bears. He has been in the NFT space since the beginning and taught about this world which was very new. I immediately fell in love with his personality, he was looking for an artist for his collection and so little by little we thought we could launch a project together”, Peter concluded.

“My NFT art is inspired by the people and the energy that surrounds me, this is the ethos that I use to create. It comes from a place within my soul where an idea emanates from, the idea forms a story and evokes feelings which I fashion into my art. NFT has given me the ability to layer my art in a way that a static medium never would be able to”, Peter told an interviewer.




Peter’s diverse heritage Moroccan Dutch allows him to imbue a fusion of cultural energies and a vibrant synergy when it comes to the multiple layers required to create an NFT. His NFTs are unique and show his passion for art and life. 

“My NFT art is inspired by the people and the energy that surrounds me, this is the ethos that I use to create. It comes from a place within my soul where an idea emanates from, the idea forms a story and evokes feelings which I fashion into my art. NFT has given me the ability to layer my art in a way that a static medium never would be able to”, Peter told an interviewer.

Peter’s experience of over a decade has involved him in exciting Hollywood films such as Jurassic World – Fallen Kingdom., circa 2018. Creating creatures under the direction of renowned English Production Designer Andy Nicholson was an experience where Peter could see how his designs came to life. 

Seeing concept art is not new to Peter, after working with Kate Hawley, costume designer for Suicide Squad he went on to work on the Steven Spielberg film, “Ready Player One” with Production Designer Adam Stockhausen.

“Working in Hollywood is an experience that any artist would strive for but creating your own art and having it available globally and across many digital platforms is by far the most inspiring”, said Peter.

Conceptualizing Majestic Bears

Once we decided to conquer the Metaverse we released the initial artwork of the majestic Bear family into the digital community. The response was unequaled, and we realized we had to create a collection for our supporters.

Our hand-selected team of creatives is masterfully crafting each piece with its own tiny facial features for the Metaverse. These pieces that form part of a limited collection made up of 8888 bears will be exquisite and NFT collectors that know our high standard of quality will be among the patrons.

An understanding of Crypto art and the Cryptocurrency market is for people who are technology and finance masterminds as a cryptographic NFT is mostly linked to the Ethereum blockchain. Non-fungible tokens each have their own unique identifier and metadata which cannot be altered. This is what makes an NFT so valuable, once you have purchased your NFT you become part of the metadata and only you can sell or use your NFT.

Research from reports that the NFT market has tripled since 2020 and the transactions of NFTs already exceeded $250 million. Hootsuite findings released in 2022 shows global digital users are over 4.6 billion with a 10% exponential increase.

Translating research figures into Majestic Bears shows our jewels will become as rare as the rarest gem, which is why we want our community to get in on the action by joining our Discord community before the official reveal.

What the reveal will encompass

We will be releasing legendary Bears, 1/1 NFTs soon. Each collection will have its own centerpiece. Our Discord community of supporters and NFT collectors will each have a chance of owning their personal Majestic Bear. We have set aside a number of bears that will randomly be assigned to our community. They will receive a uniquely designed bear created by our design team.

New members will also be eligible for this NFT, and investors are encouraged to join our community, the hype around the project has already flooded our Discord and we expect to keep a high floor price for weeks after the first big reveal.

Bears are entwined in our future

Philanthropists, collectors, and artists have a unique perspective on the world. With this in mind, we have decided to donate $50,000 to a charity that focuses on protecting and improving the living conditions of the Polar bears in the islands of the Canadian Arctic.

Growing the Majestic Family

The incredible and unexpected hype on our Discord and the feedback on the artwork has motivated people to ask us to create their favorite animals and creatures. Our team is designing unique Majestic Animals and Majestic Creatures to release into the Metaverse for our community. These additional family members will benefit the original Majestic Bears and their holders and enable you to build your cryptographic portfolio to include your choice of NFTs.

Majestic Value

Owning a unique piece or pieces of the Majestic Bears or the growing majestic family involves digital scarcity which is why each family will have a finite number of pieces. Bears designed and created by Peter Dennelis will not be replicated and will be protected by blockchain technology. As a collector of NFTs, your art is protected, and the provenance is secured. 

Crypto art is a futuristic platform that is infinite and continually evolving making this an exciting time for an art collector and an artist.