Top 3 Cryptos to Look At after Correction of January

top 3 cryptos correction january 2

KRYZA Network is a social platform connected to its crypto exchange and it is trying to revolutionize and speed up the global adaption of cryptocurrencies.

New year, new dreams, new chances. While Bitcoin struggles at around $40,000 in the middle of January 2022, we are looking for some promising alts and let us tell you where we see the next ’boom’.

Coins that are on a TOP exchange are often already so profitable that you just wish to know them before they got listed. Well from now, we might be excepting a bigger growth on these projects so keep an eye on them.

Polygon (Matic)

top 3 cryptos correction january 1

Almost everybody here already know Polygon so there is no need for much of an introduction. Yet if you take a look at Matic’s Market Cap and put a comparison between Polygon and Ethereum, you can see there is a lot of room for Matic to grow still.

With the Polygon chain becoming more and more popular we are in a safe place to call Matic a great investment for the year of 2022.

If NFTs are growing like this in the future, Matic can take a great profit of it too because for example on one of the biggest NFT marketplaces OpenSea, you can already use the Polygon blockchain. And more popular the NFT market is means the more popular the Polygon chain.

Overall, Polygon has already after a huge growth buti f you compare them with the other big alts, then it still has quite a big potential to go ’boom’.

Our guess: We would say, there is a chance for Matic to grow 3-5x in this upcoming year.

Polygon is available at: Binance, CoinBase, Kraken,

KRYZA Network

Our dream is to catch a top 100 coin before they are even hit top 1000, right? Well, right now luck will might be with you on this one.

KRYZA Network is a social platform connected to its crypto exchange (KRYZA Exchange) and it is trying to revolutionize and speed up the global adaption of cryptocurrencies. Right now the network running as a beta version, it will have a large educational material for its users which will teach them about crypto. After a succesful learning process, users can access to KRYZA Exchange to try out the learned topics in practice on their exchange developed by the team itself.

KRN and KRX (the two tokens of the project) has great potential especially if you listen to the news. There are rumors that they are talking about a TOP5 crypto-exchange listing which would hype up the price incredibly. But even without the listing, the price should go up extremely high when the project comes out with its development.

You can already try out the beta version of this social platform. DYOR here.

KRN’s ATH is at $0.00002737 while now being traded for $0.00000035 per piece and it can be a great addition to your portfolio since it has climbed more than 40% in the past week.

Our guess: When every development is coming out for KRYZA, we can imagine a huge, even 10-20x growth in its price.

KRN is available at: HotBit

KRX is available at: IndoEx

Terra (Luna)

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Terra can also sound familiar if you have listened to the news at late 2021 because this project is right after and incredible run. This project is trying to revolutionize the stabile coin system with its decentralized stabile coin called ’UST’.

Luna just started from a few cents early 2021 and reached an All Time High $103.33 and right now it is being traded for $53.04.

Luna can be a great business in 2022 too, we think that it is not the end of its run because of the continous developments and it is just getting into people’s ears so watch out.

Our guess: Terra is still in an early phase so it is quite easy to imagine Luna making a 3x this year.

Luna is available at: Binance, KuCoin.

Thank you for reading and we hope that the year 2022 will be just as bright and profitable as 2021 was.


Andy Watson

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