SHIB, DOGE, and CATE Among Top 10 Meme Tokens by Social Activity

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    • CryptoDep has released the top 10 meme tokens in terms of social activity.
    • The metrics are taken from Lunarcrush.
    • SHIB, DOGE, and CATE all compete for the top 3 spot; while 100X earns a surprising win.  

CryptoDep has released the top 10 meme tokens in terms of social activity using metrics from Lunarcrush. The metrics measure the amount of posts created, engagements received, and the overall sentiment towards each meme token.

The Top 10 Meme tokens by social activity as of 8 February 2022 are as follows:

Shiba Inu (SHIB) takes the spot of most social media posts created for, with 105,000. Meanwhile, Dogecoin (DOGE) is crowned as the meme token with the most social media engagement with a whopping 146M. Meanwhile, users feel the most positive sentiment towards 100X out of all the meme tokens.

By a wide margin, Shiba Inu has the most social activity. SHIB has a collective social volume of 150,000, an engagement volume of 93.6M people, and an overall sentiment of 63.5%. These sentiments are clearly reflected in the fact that Shiba Inu’s value has risen by 18.7% in the last 24 hours.

Shiba Inu currently has a valuation of $0.000032

In second place, Dogecoin has a collective social volume of 49,400. This is just a portion of SHIB’s social volume. However, DOGE has an engagement volume of a whopping 146M people. Obviously, Dogecoin has always been the talk of the town, especially with Elon Musk championing the token through his tweets.

Dogecoin has a current valuation of $1.5, with its value rising by 1% in the last 24hrs.

In third place, we have CateCoin (CATE), the underdog of the top 3 in this list. Its collective social volume is 16,100 with an engagement volume of 13.5M people. There has been a lot of positive sentiment towards CateCoin. Remarkably, the fact that it’s competing with both SHIB and DOGE for the top 3 spot has its supporters rallying and cheering.

CateCoin has a current valuation of $0.0000024 and has increased in value by 8.3% in the last 24hrs.

Meanwhile, the rest of the tokens: FLOKI, MARVIN, BABYDOGE, MONSTA, ELON, PIT, and 100X have social volumes that range from 14,200 to 1,590. These tokens have engagement volumes from 16.2M to 422,000 and mostly hold favorable sentiments. Despite being on the 10th spot however, 100X has been crowned as having the most positive sentiment from users across all 10 meme tokens.