Sport Investing Lists on P2PB2B

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Place/Date: – February 11th, 2022 at 1:27 pm UTC · 2 min read

Sport Investing: What Is It?

Through Sport Investing, fans can engage with their favorite sports, clubs, and athletes all over the world. Using crypto technologies, the team is empowering fans and athletes/clubs to benefit from new levels of engagement.

The project’s mission is to build a foundation for the first decentralized football club while increasing the level of fan engagement.

With Sport Investing, every sports fan will be able to be closer to his favorite athletes and monetize his interest in sports. Its goal is to offer sports lovers even more opportunities by offering them benefits and bonuses, such as free tickets to sports events, meet-ups with famous athletes, brand staff, autographs, etc.

4 main sections make up the platform:

  • The Fan Token Launchpad. Fan-tokens with a discount on presale;
  • The FanToken Exchange. Purchase and sell tokens at any time;
  • Play2Earn Fantasy Sport. Put your stake in SITX and make your own team based on real-time sports ratings and performance;
  • Store for Fan Voting and Benefits. Choose your benefits and cast your vote.

What Makes It Unique?

  1. Fan-centric. Fan engagement at an all-new level with the chance to earn on sports;
  2. For Investors. Profitable market with good prospects;
  3. For Athletes and Clubs. Popularity is monetized and personal branding is implemented using blockchain technology.

With SITX tokens available on PancakeSwap, users can access all features of the platform. The token has been launched on the Binance Smart Chain (BEP20) and already been validated by the Binance Smart Chain Explorer. Sport Investing team developed the SITX connecting bridge, which will allow the token to be available across the FREETON, ETHEREUM, and TRON blockchains in the first quarter of 2022.


  • Ticker: SITX
  • Blockchain Network: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
  • Token Supply: 4 240 000 000
  • Initial Token Circulation: 130 000 000 (half of the amount will be locked for 1 year)
  • Initial Market Cap: 4 240 000 000

By the way, $SITX will become available for trading on the P2PB2B exchange soon. Sounds interesting? Join and participate in Sport Investing community life! Also, don’t forget to follow the project on social media: Telegram, Twitter.