Underground AMA Recap

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cryptodaily.io hosts AMA with Underground. #underground #Avax # Avaxdaily #AMA

Cryptodaily Admin:Hey hey AvaxDaily-ers! Welcome back to another AMA with AvaxDaily! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day 🙌I’m Daley and I will be your host for today’s AMA with Underground!

I have here with me Mr. Bastian from the project. Good day to you and how are you feeling?

Bastian: Hi everybody, as I told you earlier, we’re like snow today 😀 Also very excited to be here with the avax dailyers 😛

Cryptodaily Admin: That’s great to hear! As long as our guest feels good, we’re good. Do you want to start the AMA right away, Bastian ?

Bastian: Sure, let’s go!

Q1: To start the AMA, please introduce yourself to the audience! Who are  the brilliant minds behind this project?

Bastian: Great! I’d like to introduce myself and the core members of the team. My name is Bastian and I’m the founder of Underground. I’ve designed and made the 3d models and the contract logic. We have a designer on our team who made the website. There’s also Alexander who is running all our socials.

Cryptodaily Admin: So 3 core members and about how many employees you’re having right now?

Bastian: We currently have two more employees who are in constant work with me as we integrate our models to the game engine, and prepare the environment for the visual races

Cryptodaily Admin: Nice, some projects have community helpers so I guess Underground is also taking community’s input?

Bastian: Of course, although our community is still a bit small, all its feedback is constantly applied in our iterations.

Cryptodaily Admin: But don’t worry, great projects will attract investors, and hopefully, you can gain a few after this AMA!

Q2: Please introduce us to the Underground’s world. What is the story behind this lost civilization Serena?

Bastian: You know, when we think about Serena, we think about home. Most importantly, Serena was once the predominant civilization in the world where underground is developed. Its boom came mainly from its automobile machinery. They also had a financial and regulatory system that they used to call the motorchain. However, their wealth caused envy among the other kingdoms that soon decided to take Serena by force. Betrayals and power games finally led to Serena’s downfall, leaving a legacy to be discovered by its future descendants.

Now that Serena’s intrepid descendants have decided to return to the lost civilization, they have found 10,000 car models with which they intend to raise Serena again.

I invite everyone here to read the story of Serena’s rise and fall in our Medium stories https://underground-games.medium.com/

Cryptodaily Admin: yeah and I just reminded the chat to check out your medium also, can’t wait for chapter 5

But like who puts the big-red-self-destruct button under the city though 😂 doofenshmirtz?

Bastian: 😂😂

Q3: Underground is a P2E racing game. So can you walk us through the mechanics of the game? What can players do in this game and what do we need to join the game also?

Bastian: Underground features 2 mechanics with PVE and PVP races.

In the PVE races you have the possibility to race immediately against a random opponent of your own level or completely random if you wish. In case of winning you will get a reward in the form of tokens, in addition to a certain amount of XP. Also, the usability of your car will be reduced with each race until it reaches 0. In which case you will have to wait for it to regenerate to a minimum level to race again. You can also enter a bet, so in case of winning you can get an extra percentage based on your bet. However, if you lose, you will lose your bet completely.

As for the PVP races the mechanism is a little different, since you can create race rooms where other players can enter. In these rooms you can configure both the cars accepted to enter and the minimum amount of tokens required to race. The winner of this race takes 90% of the racing pool and gets a higher amount of XP compared to PVE races.

To race you only need to mint a GEN-0 car or later collections in case you don’t manage to mint a GEN-0.

In addition, we have at the moment 2 models with extra utility: the police car and the cab. In each race there is the possibility that a pursuit is started, in which case your car can be stopped by a random police car. With this, your car will be locked for a period of time in which it cannot be used, there is the possibility to reduce this time by paying a release fee. The owner of the police car is rewarded by taking part of your race winnings, as well as part of the release fee.

On the other hand, the cab has the possibility to pick up passengers in each race, which will give you an extra percentage in case you have won the race.

Cryptodaily Admin: Man it sounds super fun 🤩 Imagine on verge of winning and you get pulled over haha that’s got to be sed

Bastian: Yeah, it’s like me right now driving without license 👀Btw, don’t do this at home

We’re still looking to bring utility to the rest of the models as well as introducing new utility models in the next GENs.

Cryptodaily Admin: yeah the Gen-O collection already looks polished

Q4: Do you want to talk about your Gen-0 NFTs? How can we obtain those? And can they be used for anything else besides racing?

Bastian: Of course, the minting is currently on pause as decided by our community on discord, as the plan is to build a bigger community and prepare for a big launch. You can mint on our website https://underground.place.

As far as their usefulness is concerned, they will serve in the first instance in our DAO to decide the future of the game. We also plan to decide together with our community if there will be some kind of staking of these NFTs for rewards.

Cryptodaily Admin: Yeah so talking about DAO, Q5: In your roadmap, I can see that you’re implementing your first DAO to vote on tokenomics, so can you reveal a bit about how you will do this?

Bastian: Yes, we will develop a set of smart contracts to implement community decision making regarding in-game tokenomics among other stuff. Our plan is to have our own token, so this first DAO will decide, among other things, the supply, the initial price and how it will be launched (pre-sale, stealth, etc.).

Cryptodaily Admin: Right, so you’re involving the community in the entire process from creating the token to doing pre-sales, etc

Bastian: Yeah, as we have seen many launches that fail because of not taking into account the community considerations

Q6: There’s an alpha game launching pretty soon in the first quarter. So what can we expect in this test? Can just anyone join the alpha test?

Bastian: That’s right, and we are very happy to say that the game is already in development. Our plan is that this alpha version will be available for everyone to access and test the dynamics of the game. It should be noted that this alpha version will probably be off-chain, but we hope that you will give us as much feedback as possible to make Underground a better P2E on-chain experience.

Cryptodaily Admin: Absolutely, no wallets, no anything to join, it should be accessible for a pretty wide range of players and racing gamers. That means the underground team is focusing more on the gameplay side of the game right?

Bastian: Yes, as earning mechanics and tokenomics won’t be fixed. We want to be in constant change and iterate regarding community decisions. But we want to focus on bringing a visually attractive experience

Q7: What about the plans to expand the community of Underground? Who is your targeted audience?

Bastian: For now our plan is to keep Underground within the Avalanche network, and we are open to welcome anyone who wants a new P2E experience to join us and send us their proposals.

Cryptodaily Admin: Alright so why don’t we dial back to the Lore of Underground

Q8: The world of Janguaria  is really impressive, and it revolves around cars and racing. But I can see some potential in integrating other Games as well. Will Underground develop other games about this world?

Bastian: That’s right, we believe that the story of Underground can result in a completely immersive world in the metaverse, so we will gradually introduce new elements within this world, with dynamics very similar to those of Underground racing. We believe we can exploit this concept with a series of P2E games and some other things beside P2E…

Cryptodaily Admin: A series of P2E games you say

Bastian: Yes, but we want to do it slowly

Cryptodaily Admin: So Underground will have a long way to go, but keep doing what you do. Slowly but surely!

Bastian: We don’t want to flood the network with shitty games just to earn more money

Cryptodaily Admin: Don’t be like rain, be like snow! slowly drops but unique and magnificent

Bastian: That’s right we have a series of principles applied to what we do in Underground!

Cryptodaily Admin: I love it!

Cryptodaily Admin: With this we are now at the end of our AMA session with Underground 🔥🔥🔥

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

Bastian: I just want you to be aware that Serena will rise once again!

Cryptodaily Admin: Heck yeah! Thank you Bastian for coming to this AMA and talking about underground!

On behalf of the community, I wish you and Underground the best of luck. Take care!

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