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cryptodaily.io hosts AMA with AVATA. #AVATA #AvaxDaily #AVAX #AMA

Cryptodaily Admin: Hey hey everyone! Welcome back to another AMA with AvaxDaily! Hope you’re all having a wonderful day.

I’m Daley and I will be your host for today 👋Together with me are 2 guest speakers from the AVATA project: Mr. ZBG – CEO and Mr. Cenk – CMO

Good day to you guys 😚how are you feeling today?

ZBG: I’m good. Thanks. And thanks to all of you too for having us here today..

Cenk: Hello everyone and I am very well, thanks for having us here

Cryptodaily Admin: It’s our pleasure having you here with us also! So before we begin the AMA, why don’t you go ahead and introduce yourselves to the audience please 😁

ZBG: I am ZBG, the lead for AVATA Network. And today with me is our CMO.

There are others which are developers, analysts and CMs. While our CMO himself has a team of 5 reporting to him.

Cenk: I’m Cenk – the CMO of AVATA Network. Apart from myself, there are five other highly-enthusiast team members in my department – each bringing their relevant skills, knowledge and collective experiences into the project.  

Our first and most important mission is to build a STRONG & ENGAGING COMMUNITY. This would serve as one of the foundation layers of the project – which is imperative in achieving AVATA’s vision. I will leave no spare in exploiting my 10-year marketing experience in this project.

Cryptodaily Admin: Wow it’s always exciting to have the CEO and the CMO themselves taking their time and doing the AMA. So I guess the Team is not fully doxed right? Is there any particular reason for this?

ZBG: The legal atmosphere is not yet fully clear in all jurisdictions, hence contributing to such decisions. However, our backers knew us. 😊

Cryptodaily Admin: Noted! and we will get to know more about your backers also later in the AMA! Let’s begin with the first question

Q1: What is AVATA all about? Please give us a summary of your core values and vision also.

Cenk: AVATA is a comprehensive crypto project running a launchpad, swap exchange and lending protocol in the Avalanche ecosystem. Our core values are separated between “for the community” and “for partnered projects” as follows:

For the community:

1. Unique Fairr Launch Mechanism

2. High-value Investment Opportunities

3. Transparent & Reliable

4. Community-first

For partnered project:

1. Comprehensive Support

2. Dedicated Community-Reward

3. Cost-Effective

4. Organic Community Building

Our vision is to be a project recognized for our innovation and contribution towards the growth of this promising layer-1 — Avalanche.

Cryptodaily Admin: An “unique fair launch mechanism”, can you explain in short how you can achieve this?

ZBG: Unlike most launchpads where those with higher stakes always get bigger portions, our novelty approach gives everyone a fair chance according to their COMMITMENT.

The approach works fairly for those with lesser AVAT holding, while at the same time also contributing benefit to those who stakes higher.

Cryptodaily Admin: Nice, so that is clearly one of the prime benefits of early holders

Q2: How does AVATA work? What impacts do you expect AVATA to have on the current Decentralized Finance?

ZBG: 1. We provide a one-stop service for vetted projects to launch in the Avalanche ecosystem;

2. And at the same time opens up the opportunity for our community to invest early in these promising projects — while INCREASING their token holding AT THE SAME TIME when getting into one of these opportunities

3. We provide AMM dex as well as lending protocol for communities of Avalanche to trade and implement their defi strategy

With the super low cost to execute defi transactions in Avalanche, we aim to bring more participants in the Defi landscape.

Q3: Let’s dive into your tokenomics. Can you share with us some of the most critical utilities of $AVAT?


1. Stake in SuperPool and earn double rewards:

a) AVAT – yield

b) iAVAT – guaranteed IDO allocation

2. Stake in AVAX pool (once AVATASWAP operational) to earn AVAX

3. Governance

4. Lease out if you wish to hold long-term and not gonna anything with it (although is rarely gonna happen if you know how to capture value throughout our platform)

The circulating supply of the token will be removed permanently from the market on every IDO, on a dynamic volume, as well as on a monthly basis from the staking fees.

Cryptodaily Admin: So 4 main functions of the $AVAT token, will there be any new protocols added in the near future?

ZBG: We do have planning, but it’s too early to lay out.

Once we are up and running, and all the three core platforms launched (AVATALAUNCH, AVATASWAP & AVATALEND), we will venture into other things that we currently KIV.

The reason is, we MUST ensure that those 3 platforms thrive BEFORE committing to anything else. Focus is the very key that we cannot compromise.

Cryptodaily Admin: Absolutely, so let’s get to know about your investors!

Q4: Who are some of your backers/partners?


1. Basic Capital

2. X21

3. OIG

4. Bitmart

5. Andromeda Capital

6. Pragma

7. Magnus Capital

8. ZBS Capital

9. HG Ventures

10. VBC (vietnam blockchain community)

11. Microcosm Innovation

12. Kangaroo Capital

13. Coinsight Ventures

14. Golden Shovel

15. DCI

16. Top 7 ICO

17. CryptoFomo

18. Coin Muhendisi

19. 63 Peak Camp

20. Shin Chan

Q5: Are there any milestones that you want to share with us that shows AVATA is a good project to invest in?

ZBG: And we are grateful for their trust in us. Currently we have just finished the final test about a few days ago and will announce the opening of our WL event in a few days.

While that is running, we are also working to release the AVATASWAP and AVATALEND by the end of Feb and Mar respectively.

Q6: What about plans to expand AVATA? We can see that you’re doing a lot of AMAs, which is awesome, but what else?

ZBG: 1. Our current target is to bring high-value deal flows for the launchpad, and also getting on projects to partner on the reward program that we are gonna launch in AVATASWAP.

2. And if expansion means venturing into other platforms/services, like I said earlier, we won’t unless all these 3 platforms thrive.

3. However, the expansion of product offerings will happen as we go along (most of this has to do with AVATASWAP and AVATALEND involving partnered projects).

Cryptodaily Admin: And what about the community? How do you plan on expanding the user base of AVATA? if everything is still under discussion, then you don’t have to disclose anything though

ZBG: good questions.

User base mostly expands/grows if you have something meaningful for them. 😁

Follow our twitter to know more. Telling now is like removing the curtain before its time — risky to us, our early investors and our token holders.

That is why we only talked about SuperPool and nothing else.

Q7: What can we expect in this quarter and 2022 overall?

ZBG: This quarter:

1. The launch of Avata Network via AVATALAUNCH

2. SuperPool goes live

3. AVATASWAP goes live

4. AVATALEND goes live

Rolling out of Defi product offerings in stages — and mutually-beneficial partnerships.

Q8: Are there any exciting news you want to tell us and where can we find out more about AVATA?

ZBG: 1. We gonna open the WL event in a few days

2. It will happen at the same time when our upgraded website goes live

3. The process to get whitelisted is gonna be fun — and FAIR for everyone. Its gonna happen through our website.

4. Once the WL is done, we’re gonna roll out our token sale event.

5. Listing, LP reward & SuperPool most probably will launch on the same day, which means you get to choose to either earn reward by providing liquidity — OR from a single-sided staking which requires no liquidity-providing.

Announcement of the first upcoming IDO would happen after that.

Kindly follow our Twitter @avatanetwork for updates!

Cryptodaily Admin: With this we are now at the end of our AMA session with AVATA🔥🔥🔥

Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community?

ZBG: I would like to place on record my huge thanks to all of you for being here today — especially to everyone in AVAX DAILY TEAM for the opportunity.

And I am also humbly inviting you guys to join our chatroom @avatanetwork — and as our community, have your voice heard. We can’t be doing everything alone.

Your support means the world to us.

Cryptodaily Admin: That’s amazing, thank you for your presence in today’s AMA with AVATA.. It has been a pleasure for all of us. We wish you the best of luck! Take care

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