CoinQuora Interviews Nuseir Yassin of Nas Daily

CoinQuora Exclusive Interview With Nas Daily 2
  • Superverse event invited CoinQuora as a media partner.
  • Coinquora interviewed Nuseir Yassin of Nas Daily.
  • Superverse is an event in Dubai that featured leading personalities in the Metaverse.

CoinQuora had the privilege of becoming a media partner of Superverse, a one-day conference held at the Dubai Festival Arena on Feb 22. During the event, CoinQuora had the opportunity to interview Nuseir Yassin of Nas Daily. We asked him about his personal opinion regarding the Metaverse. Here are some questions we asked Yassin.

Q: How do you see the Metaverse? What do you think are the things that keep it from becoming widely developed and adopted for more people globally?

I think it’s a hardware problem right now; it’s not a software problem. So, everybody is just waiting for the right hardware to be built.  The minute it’s built, it’s game on.

Q: Is the Metaverse something that you’re going to immerse yourself in, sooner or later?

I think everybody’s going to, right? I mean it’s kind of like asking “do you use a website?” Everyone, especially those who have access to modern technology, uses a website. The same is true in the Metaverse. Once it materializes, I believe everyone will take part in it, one way or another.

Q: You are known across different cultures and communities due to your frequent travels. In your experience, what do you imagine the world will be like? What do you see about the metaverse that will help bridge gaps among people from different cultures and ideologies?

Somebody once mentioned to me about the ‘power of brown’. When I heard that phrase, I instantly took a liking to it, and I could never get it out of my head. The power of brown. What I like about it is that brown people [people from the Arab world] will get the same rights, privileges, and recognition as much as white and black people do. This realization is happening solely because of the Internet, and I look forward to what the Metaverse holds for everyone, especially those who come from my background.

Q: Anything else you would like to say before we end?

Watch Nas Daily. *laughs*