Zoe Pool and Flickto aim to nurture African women within blockchain


The evolution of the Cardano space since its birth has been exceptional. There are a lot of vibrant communities within the Cryptocurrency industry, however, the Cardano community stands out by far. As the community is held in high regard within this network it is essential for projects to also foster this ability to procreate their own communities. Since its inception, Flickto has capitalized and done just that.

In addition to this, the Flickto team has been acquiring meaningful partnerships within the blockchain industry. Partnerships allow both parties involved to form long-lasting relationships that are beneficial for each other, and also help to facilitate the adoption of blockchain to wider audiences. Flickto aims to become the first Decentralised Media platform. What this entails is, the removal of control and power in relation to content and funds from centralized entities and disseminating this control to smaller localized communities and individuals, whilst also diminishing high barriers to entry. 

Flickto has recently partnered with Zoe pool, an African-based stakepool whose focus is on empowering women within the blockchain to gain substantial knowledge. Zoe pool wants women to acknowledge that they are cherished as much as needed within this ever-growing industry. From the rewards they acquire through their stake pool, they intend to use these funds to facilitate educational programs, which they want to encourage African women to nurture their curiosity of blockchain. 

Alignment is essential for relationships to thrive and Flickto ensures that their approach to partnerships is conducted very rigorously, therefore the partnerships they accrue they ensure align with their mission and their values. The Flickto x Zoe partnership will aid in growing the awareness of such an influential project and mission, whilst highlighting the necessity for more women to venture into the blockchain and crypto industries. Furthermore with Zoe pools extensive technological capabilities they will be able to provide the Flickto team with platform assistance if necessary. 

The three core facets of the Flickto project are Crypto, Media and Entrepreneurship. Therefore Zoe pool will be able to utilize the consultancy expertise of the Flickto team to assist them with nurturing and guiding those women who come through Zoe pool as Zoe wants to be able to provide these types of initiatives to women within the African continent who operate small businesses. 

Flickto’s overarching mission is to provide ‘Hope’ to those who might have once lost faith in society, and with such a phenomenal partnership this feat is definitely possible. 

Disclaimer: This is a paid post and should not be treated as news/advice.