Sphynx: A Decentralized Exchange & Much More for Bitgert Blockchain

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Place/Date: – March 12th, 2022 at 12:05 pm UTC · 2 min read
Contact: Bitgert,
Source: Bitgert

Sphynx has announced its partnership with Bitgert (BRISE), the hottest and fastest-growing network right now. The partnership will give Bitgert chain users a decentralized exchange where they can do so much with their tokens.

Sphynx is an all-in-one decentralized exchange for holding, staking, farming, trading tokens, and many others. The platform is designed to help crypto investors get the most out of the DeFi market by providing a single platform that caters to all their needs.

With this partnership, the Sphynx Labs will be supporting the Bitgert network to farm, trade, and stake tokens as well as launch projects and so on. Therefore, this is a platform that will enable Bitgert token holders to do almost everything in a DeFi market.

What Makes Bitgert (BRISE) Unique?

Sphynx’s partnership with the Bitgert network is driven by the uniqueness of the Bitgert project. Bitgert is the next big thing in the crypto industry. The Bitgert BRC20 blockchain is what makes this project unique. It is the most powerful blockchain in that it has a zero gas fee mechanism and is also the fastest chain in the market right now.

The gas fee on the Bitgert chain is $0.0000000000001 which is a near-zero figure, and the chain speed is 100,000 transactions per second. The network has a plethora of projects ranging from DeFi, Metaverse, Web3, and so much more. This is what makes Bitgert unique.

Key Highlights of Sphynx/Bitgert Partnership

The partnership will open up blockchain users to multiple decentralized finance utilities. On the Sphynx platform, Bitgert network users will be using the Sphynx wrapped tokens (WBRISE) but will represent each other with the original in a 1:1 ratio.

The Sphynx will give Bitgert network users/investors a better platform where they get the most out of the tokens with its all-in-one platform. This means more returns on their investments.

Bitgert chain will soon go live on the Sphynx platform, after which the activities on the Brise chain are projected to increase, including the launch of more projects.  So Bitgert bull run might follow immediately after the network is on the Sphynx platform.