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AngeL Nodes is a sustainable profitable DeFi Staking platform designed to open the doors of the future of DeFi to anyone. This protocol will facilitate future developments to provide a sustainable Defi-as-a-Service community. The platform also provides you with a Node ecosystem where you can create your own Nodes to generate lifetime passive income. Node holders will receive their reward in native token $AngeL

AngeL Nodes will create a long term sustainable environment to incentivize your long term investments. Profits will be farmed and redistributed according to your Node Type. Protocol variables may change over time with industry conditions to ensure protocol stability. However, all profits will always be distributed back on these nodes which act as profit baskets that generate a long-term source of passive income.

For every node you buy, you will get a daily reward in the form of $AngeL. AngeL Nodes act as a profit basket where rewards are paid to you as a function of the reward pool.

Rewards can be obtained from a variety of farm yield services and investor investments. To make nodes affordable for everyone, AngeL Nodes team created a very flexible node system.

Let’s explore with us below, it’s really worth finding out!

I. Nodes

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1. How to create Nodes (very easy)

➣ Go to
➣ Click “Create Node”.
➣ Select the type of node you would like to buy.
➣ Optionally, you can name your node.
➣ Click “Create your Node”.
➣ Wait for the transaction to go through.

2. Node Types & Upgrades

The maximum number of nodes per wallet is limited to 100.

AngeL Nodes provides you with an ecosystem to generate lifetime passive income while underpinning the sustainable development of the protocol. You can increase the yield of your nodes by upgrading them to the upper level or by using booster codes.

You must claim your earnings every 24 hours. To avoid high cost in request time, there will be a delivery time of 3 hours. Distributions will be made 8 times a day, and once when the forge is generated and once when the booster code is used.

⧫ Upgrading your node to upper-tier temporarily stops your yield from that node however it’s FREE!

Node Types Price Monthly ROI Upgrade Time
ANGEL 13 $AngeL 15% 66 Days
DARK ANGEL 66 $AngeL 16% 33 Days
ARCH ANGEL 111 $AngeL 18% 11 Days
NEMESIS Not for Sale 25%-33% unlocks 3 booster slots

3. The Nemesis Node

The only way to get the Nemesis Node is by upgrading the Arch Angel Node.

➤ Angel to Dark Angel takes 66 Days.
➤ Dark Angel to Arch Angel takes 33 Days.
➤ Arch Angel to Nemesis takes 11 Days.

The initial monthly yield of the Nemesis Node is set to 25% (1 $AngeL per day.)
The very first Nemesis Node that a player owns will let the user set a Unique Booster Code.
Unique Booster Code can not be changed and applies to all future Booster Slots!
Each Nemesis Node owned will increase the Booster Slot of the Player by 3 (Three).
Another player who owns at least a Dark Angel Node will be able to claim the Booster Code.
When a player uses your Booster Code, they will receive 6 $AngeL instantly, and the Nemesis Node owner linked with the code starts to receive an extra $0.111 AngeL per day / forever!
⇒ So each Nemesis Node potentially pays 1.333 $AngeL per day and has a 33% Monthly ROI.

II. $AngeL Token

1. Tokenomics

100% Protocol Security with Multi-Sig Wallets and Time-lock Contracts.

𝅇 Token: $AngeL (Angel Nodes)
𝅇 Total Supply: 10,000,000 $AngeL
𝅇 Launch mCAP: 675,000 USD
𝅇 Launch Supply: 270,000 $AngeL

🗲 100% of the LP Locked After Launch for 1 Year


𝅇 Reward Pool Reserves: 8,800,000 $AngeL (%88) (Multi-Sig Wallet)
𝅇 Extra Liquidity and Dex Listing Reserves: 300,000 $AngeL (%3) (Multi-Sig Wallet)
𝅇 Promotion, Airdrop, Reward Reserves: 300,000 $AngeL (%3) (Multi-Sig Wallet)
𝅇 Team, Development, Marketing: 300,000 $AngeL (%3) (Multi-Sig Wallet)

2. How to buy $AngeL

➛ Go to

​➛ Make sure your output currency is $AngeL. You can also copy and paste the $AngeL contract address in the output currency field to ensure you are swapping the right token. *The token address on BSC is  0x623974fa31d79d12dc8a2ec8dfea9bcdf8938889

➛ You can select any input currency based on your BSC wallet balance.

➛ Select the amount of $AngeL you want to swap for. Then click “Swap” and sign the transaction

➛ After the Approve transaction has been processed successfully click “Swap” and sign the transaction.

➛ You should see $AngeL in your wallet balance now after the swap transaction is successful. If you cannot find it in your wallet, add the $AngeL contract address to your wallet.

3. Revolving Funds and Taxation

When a player buys Node, the protocol distributes the collected funds accordingly:

Week Reward Pool Liquidity Treasury Swap Fees
1 70% 20% 7% 3%
2 70% 18% 9% 3%
3 71% 15% 11% 3%
4 71% 13% 13% 3%

Token Sells are Subject to Treasury Tax (However, there is no tax on Buys and Transfers)

➧ First Week – 15%
➧ 14 February – 13%
➧ 21 February – 11%
➧ 01 March and After – 9%

4. The Arch Treasury

This is protected by the Multi-Sig Gnosis Policy.

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➣ 50% of the Holdings will be used for Treasury Management and Mid/Long Term Investments.
➣ 40% of the Holdings will be used for Buyback and Burn Platform Tokens from Liquidity Pairs.
➣ 10% of the Holdings will be reserved for the Team, Development, and Marketing.

5. Protocol Security (100%)

⧫ LP Lock: 100% of the LP Locked for 1 Year after the Presale automatically.

⧫ Multi-Sig Wallets: All of the reserves will be secured in Multi-Sig Wallets.

⧫ CertiK Audit: CertiK Audit Coming to achieve the highest security standard possible.

III. Why AngeL Nodes is a potential project?

AngeL Nodes is managed by Team Nemesis, a talented team who made Nemesis DAO – The largest and longest running DAO protocol on Binance Smart Chain. Angel Nodes is the team’s first co-product (one of the highlights of the Nemesis DAO’s 2022 roadmap) and will be available on Coinmarketcap soon.

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Currently, $AngeL is listed on CoinGecko:

AngeL Nodes also created KYC with Cryptodaily, BSCNews and Coinzilla. In addition, this potential staking platform has been endorsed by many top youtubers worldwide.

In the near future, AngeL Nodes aims to become the best sustainable node project on BSC and beyond to become the largest Defi-as-a-Service Node Protocol in the world. The Nemesis team carefully analyzed all node forks and adjusted protocol metrics with new enhancements to align with these grand goals.

The above shows that AngeL Nodes is really worth joining because it has a very reliable management team and is backed by many reputable blockchain organizations in the world.

Official Links

Twitter: @AngelNodes
