Blockchain Security Company Beosin Has Completed Security Audit Service of Hot Cross

beosin completed security audit service hot cross 768x512 1

Place/Date: – March 14th, 2022 at 1:10 pm UTC · 2 min read
Contact: Beosin,
Source: Beosin

Photo: Beosin

Blockchain security company Beosin has completed security audit service of Hot Cross. Hot Cross is a multi-chain infra & web3 playground created for both blockchain teams and communities. It offers innovative cross-chain and multi-chain NFT staking solutions, launchpad sessions (IHOs), cross-chain bridging, yield optimization, as well as a powerful API and data indexing suite that powers both Hot Cross and its ecosystem of clients and partners. Its NFT collection Cross Bosses, which is at the heart of its identity, is one of the strongest community products to date.

Beosin Technology has adopted several methods, including Formal Verification, Static Analysis, Typical Case Testing and Manual Review, to audit three major aspects of Hot Cross, namely Coding Standards, Security and Business Logic. As of the completion of the audit, all the risk items have been fixed or properly handled.

Beosin provides professional security audit service for smart contracts of multiple blockchain platforms by means of formal verification technology. Through the comprehensive verification on traditional vulnerabilities and business logic correctness, it ensures the consistency between the code and the business logic.

The company also offers multi-dimensional security testing for blockchain platforms, while effectively guaranteeing the overall security of blockchain platforms in the aspects of node communication, storage, consensus and authority management through different auditing methods, such as black box, gray box and white box testing.

The audit report summarizes the results of the formal verification tool and manual review including the detailed information about the identified vulnerabilities with severity (critical, high, medium, low and informational) and fix recommendations. By using charts and graphs, the report presents people with a visual insight into the project.

Beosin is a leading global blockchain security brand, which was co-founded by several professors from world-renowned universities. The team consists of more than 100 security experts, including over 40 PhDs and postdocs. Besides, the core team members have accumulated over 20 years of experience in formal verification technology, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, as well as big data mining technology.

The product series of this company include audit services for smart contracts and blockchain platforms, smart contract detection product and situation awareness product. By providing security audit services for more than 2,000 smart contracts and over 50 public blockchains worldwide, Beosin has successfully protected nearly $10 billion of assets and has been fully recognized by global partners.

Beosin socials: Telegram, Twitter.