Vitalik Buterin calls for compassion for people affected by war around the world

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  • According to Buterin, the rest of the world should not forget that apart from Ukraine, there are other countries suffering from other wars in perhaps much more intense situations.
  • Meanwhile, Ukraine continues to receive donations in crypto from individuals, corporations, and governments. 

Russian-born and Ethereum lead programmer, Vitalik Buterin, has condemned the ongoing geopolitical wars around the world, calling for people to self-reflect and extend compassion to the affected. The now Canadian-based crypto enthusiasts noted that Ukrainians are not the only ones suffering from war.

Ukrainians are far from the only ones suffering from war. Also people in Yemen, Ethiopia… just as human as Ukrainians and you are.

“This is NOT a valid excuse to not care about Ukrainians today. But it does mean we should self-reflect and extend our compassion to others too,” Buterin recently tweeted.

Indeed, a huge number of his social media followers agreed on that idea. As of publishing time, the tweet had attracted over 57k.

The Russian-Ukraine war has entered the fourth week and most parameters show more impending destruction for Ukraine. While Ukraine and Russia are technically the same people, Putin has been merciless. in his approach. The Kremlin is said to possess undetectable missile technology that not even the United States can protect itself from. Such revelations only complicated the War in Ukraine, putting in mind Putin’s experience.

Vitalik Buterin and role of crypto in geopolitical differences

Crypto has been one of the most preferred means to send money to war-torn countries. For instance, after the United States decided to pull out from Afghanistan, the Taliban took over the government last year. Consequently, the country’s financial sector was paralyzed after the west issued sanctions.

People in the streets of Kabul were observed to use crypto assets more and more. As a result, people got access to a healthy market backed by the global community. 

Four weeks ago when Russia announced its Ukraine invasion under the pretext of ‘military operations’. Ukraine has since received millions of cash in donations through cryptocurrencies.

According to Vitalik Buterin, the rest of the world should not forget that there are other countries perhaps suffering from the war in much more intense situations. As a Russian-born, Buterin has shown that not all Russians are for the war, and thus not all Russians should be discriminated against out of the mere war.

Remember, some European higher education institutions have already kicked out Russian students. The hate brought about by the war is, ostensibly, separating the same people the leaders seek to unite.

Meanwhile, Ukraine continues to receive donations in crypto from individuals, corporations, and governments.