Thousands of Shiba Inu Community Members Joins Bitrise Coin

Shiba Inu Community
  • Bitrise is a stable cryptocurrency built on a solid Defi Project.
  • Offers attractive staking rewards.
  • Offers innovative and attractive tokenomics.
  • Multiple products are running on the ecosystem.

Bitrise, a blockchain-based project that is building Defi protocol on Binance Smart Chain, has just announced the joining of thousands of Shiba Inu community members. This is good news for the Bitrise coin investors as the joining will have a big and positive impact on the token.

Already, the joining of the Shiba Inu community members is starting to be felt, and this can be seen from the recent Bitrise coin price surge. The recent past has seen the token price skyrocketing, which is the kind of environment any crypto investor wishes to find themselves in.

Bitrise team has said that the joining of the thousands of  Shiba Inu community members is a big milestone for the project. In addition to the price, surge experienced the last few days, the joining of this community shows the potential of this Defi project.

Shiba Inu is not just another cryptocurrency. It is one of the largest cryptocurrencies, ranking #12 in the market, at the time of writing, in terms of market capitalization. The community has thousands of members, and joining Bitrise coin means bigger exposure.

The joining of Shiba Inu investors comes at the backdrop of the incredible that the team has done over the last few months. The team is building a decentralized financial system and has delivered fast accomplishments so far in developing this DeFi system.

Already, Bitrise has developed products for the network’s ecosystem in less than four months since launching. The team has already developed Bitrise Audits, Techrate Audi, and dApp wallet, products that are already running. But it’s the recently announced Bitrise staking process that has attracted most crypto communities to join. The staking process is launching by the end of November and has elicited a lot of excitement among the crypto community, including Shiba Inu.

Bitrise coin will be sharing 80% APY of the revenue generated by the products on the ecosystem with the staked token. The team is about to release the revenue sharing staking program to ensure smooth and fast distribution of the generated revenue. This is a major investment attracting Shiba Inu community members. Bitrise tokenomics remains very attractive in the crypto market. The token holding rewards have been one of the most appealing tokenomics. Shiba Inu investors want to get part of the 4% of the 12% transaction tax, which is distributed automatically to all token holders’ wallets in BNB.

Bitrise staking will launch any time from now, and more crypto investors are expecting to join before it starts. The team has promised to develop more products for the Bitrise ecosystem to generate more revenue for the staked coins. Already, they have announced that the exchange is in the development stage and will be launching soon.

Follow Bitrise social media platforms for the latest updates on the staking launch and more!

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