Prince Philip of Serbia Accepts Bitcoin, says “Bitcoin Is Freedom”

Bitcoin is Big Tech without the company Says Michael Saylor 2
  • Prince Philip of Serbia and Yugoslavia talks about Bitcoin, calling it ‘Freedom’.
  • “We need to take money away from the state,” the prince declares additionally.
  • The conversation happened while Prince Philip was on a Serbian TV show hosted by Ivan Ivanović.

Prince Philip of Serbia and Yugoslavia recently spoke about Bitcoin stating that “Bitcoin is freedom, and this is something I want for everyone.” The Prince appeared on a Serbian TV show hosted by Ivan Ivanović.

Meanwhile, Dennis Porter of the ‘Dennis Porter Show’ took the Prince’s declaration to champion Bitcoin over cryptocurrency. In his show, Porter emphasized that the Prince called specifically Bitcoin ‘freedom’ and not crypto.  

Additionally, Prince Philip emphasized that the nation needs to take money away from the state. “We need to have hard money again. We need to have good quality money that’s not subject to inflation,” according to the Prince.

In reference to inflation, Prince Philip said the problem is now and stems as far as the financial crisis of 2008. The Corona pandemic added unprecedented amounts of stimulus which would only cause further inflation.

Moreover, Prince Philip said:

This is something everyone has to learn. They will learn slowly. Some people will not want to learn it because they are not used to it. They want to protect the system that they do well in.

Prince Philip finally concluded that Bitcoin is never going to be an inflationary asset. “…it’s censorship-free. It’s very fungible. You can move it around … and it will help with people’s sovereignty, and it helps with people’s freedom,” the prince said.

Prince Philip is a member of the House of Karađorđević and the son of the last crown prince of the former Kingdom of Yugoslavia Alexander and Princess Maria da Gloria. At present, he works in asset management for an international finance company. He usually analyzes and tells clients what is new in the market and what is going on with their portfolios.