Dogecoin Considers Legal Action Against Matt Wallace for Trademark Abuse

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Altcoin News

  • Watcher Guru announces in a tweet that Dogecoin is considering legal action against Matt Wallace.
  • The motive behind Dogecoin’s decision is trademark abuse.
  • Many people commented supporting the Youtuber against the claim of DOGE.

The crypto news platform Watcher Guru announces in a tweet that Dogecoin foundation is thinking about taking legal action against the crypto Youtuber Matt Wallace, the owner and streamer of Youtube channel Final Stand.

The cryptocurrency foundation explained that it is considering legal actions because of trademark abuse. In other words the Dogecoin foundation seems to believe that Matt Wallace is unauthorized to talk about Dogecoin. Therefore, he is using this trademark illegally as a way to promote himself and his Youtube channel.

Interestingly, people’s reactions backfired at Dogecoin, where people started supporting Wallace in a noticeable way. One tweet that grabbed attention was written by an account under the name “Tajo Crypto”, saying:

Matt Wallace has been relentlessly making YouTube videos about Doge and also shilling Doge hard on Twitter. Dogecoin foundation should go easy on Matt; without him it’ll be only Elon Musk that has such drive to move Doge forward. What has the Doge foundation done to improve Doge?

The Youtuber himself also replied to the original post on Watcher Guru twitter account. The tweet had “here is the truth” written on top of one of his Youtube videos. The video was uploaded not long ago under the title “This is About to Change The Game”.

In the video, the Youtuber talked about a new credit card service that is entering the crypto world, where every time a person buys goods an amount of that money is transferred to their crypto wallet.

He also mentioned that he thinks “ a lot of people are going to invest in Dogecoin using this service.” This is not the only time Wallace talks in good manners about Dogecoin, as he was known for creating his Youtube page to be a Dogecoin community.